Mike Keen, Chair, Kingston and Richmond Local Pharmaceutical Committee Kingston and Richmond Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Meetings September 2014 Mike Keen, Chair, Kingston and Richmond Local Pharmaceutical Committee Kingston and Richmond Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Meetings September 2014 Welcome to this event …We are going to look at the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment process in Kingston/ Richmond this year and cover some points about the PNA. This address is aimed to be simple and help those of you who may not have seen a PNA before, as well as the more seasoned of us! My name is…. I am …. Domestics…Fire exits and so on.
Why is the PNA important? NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Services regulations 2013 The first PNAs to be published by April 1st 2015 and subsequent ones must be every three years. This is a statement of all the pharmaceutical services that may be provided. When a pharmacist applies for an NHS contract to dispense under the above regulations any assessment of the need for the proposed new services will be judged against this PNA. Why is the PNA important? Under the NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Services regulations 2013 the local Health and Wellbeing Board (was the PCT) is required to produce a PNA whether a first assessment or a revised assessment. The first PNAs were published by April 1st 2015 and subsequent ones must be every three years. This is a statement of all the pharmaceutical services that may be provided under arrangement made by the local Commissioning Board, including directed services. It also includes pharmaceutical services provided by an LPS pharmacy and dispensing doctors. When a pharmacist applies for an NHS contract to dispense under the above regulations any assessment of the need for the proposed new services will be judged against this PNA.
Why are we Here This Evening? The regulations provide for consultation on the draft PNA before it is finalised and published. Bodies that must be consulted include the LPC, the LMC, Local Healthwatch, the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) and neighbouring ones, and ANY PERSON ON THE PHARMACEUTICAL LISTS AND ANY DISPENSING DOCTORS FOR THE AREA. Therefore you are now being advised of the process and the means of officially consulting you! Why are we Here This Evening? The regulations provide for consultation on the draft PNA before it is finalised and published. Bodies that must be consulted include the LPC, the LMC, Local Healthwatch, the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) and neighbouring ones, and ANY PERSON ON THE PHARMACEUTICAL LISTS AND ANY DISPENSING DOCTORS FOR THE AREA. Therefore you are now being advised of the process and the means of officially consulting you!
The Consultation Once started you will have 60 days to respond. Therefore you have to read it! You are notified of the existence of the PNA if you are told by your HWBB (via your local borough and whoever they commission to produce the PNA) of an electronic link to it. The Consultation Once started you will have 60 days to respond. Therefore you have to read it! You are notified of the existence of the PNA if you are told by your HWBB (via your local borough and whoever they commission to produce the PNA) of an electronic link to it.
What the HWBB Will be Considering. Demography. Public choice of pharmacies and their services. Any local needs. Services in neighbouring areas. Would further provision of pharmaceutical services secure improvements in access to those services. Likely future needs including changes in the population, demography and significant changes expected and risks to the population’s health. What the HWBB Will be Looking at Demography. Public choice of pharmacies and their services. Any local needs. Services in neighbouring areas. Would further provision of pharmaceutical services secure improvements in access to those services. Likely future needs including changes in the population, demography and significant changes expected and risks to the population’s health.
Where Does Your LPC Stand on This? The Questionnaire-not easy to access so we have taken this up. A critical document that we will work to for the next three years. …it is a document of great significance to the profession as it will be used by NHS England to determine applications for pharmaceutical services within the borough. The CCGs and Local Authorities may use the document to help inform their commissioning decisions. Where Does Your LPC Stand on This? The Questionnaire-not easy to access so we have taken this up. A critical document that we will work to for the next three years. We sent out a note to you: It is the Local Authority’s responsibility to publish a PNA by 1 April 2015 to reflect current access to pharmacy services in each borough and to map this against local health need. It is a document of great significance to the profession as it will be used primarily by NHS England to help determine applications for pharmaceutical services within the borough as they are submitted for approval under the NHS Pharmaceutical Regulations 2013. In addition they, the CCGs and Local Authorities may also use the document to help inform their own commissioning decisions in regard to enhanced and locally commissioned services in the future.
Where Does Your LPC Stand on This? Pharmacies have a key role to play in the provision of NHS primary care services and one to date that has not been fully utilised by the public or the commissioning bodies. ..this is our opportunity to raise the profile of pharmacy with commissioners from the local authority, the CCG and NHS England and to open discussion on what we can do... And: Pharmacies have a key role to play in the provision of NHS primary care services and one to date that has not been fully utilised by the public or the commissioning bodies. However the event is the profession’s opportunity to raise the profile of pharmacy with commissioners from the local authority, the CCG and NHS England and to open discussion on what we can do to support achievement of the goal to support people to live healthier lives and reduce demand for access to both primary and secondary care.
What Can we Take Out of The above Messages? We must continue to deliver on services commissioned for us to provide. If not then the commissioner will look to meet the needs of the PNA and for another provider where that service is needed. We need to look at the PNA closely. You should check that the details about your pharmacy are correct and you can also check that NHS Choices has the correct information. There will be maps available; check information on those. Look at the recommendations. What Can we Take out of the Above Messages? We must continue to deliver on services commissioned for us to provide. If not then the commissioner will look to meet the needs of the PNA and for another provider where that service is needed. We need to look at the PNA closely. You should check that the details about your pharmacy are correct and you can also check that NHS Choices has the correct information. There will be maps available; check information on those. Look at the recommendations in the PNA. Are they accurate and if it affects you…
Conclusion This will take a little work and is an important part of the regulatory process that governs the contracts to provide local pharmaceutical services. Read the draft PNA when you are alerted it is available. Make sure that details about your pharmacy (ies) are correct. If there is a service identified in the PNA that is not being delivered in your area and you are willing to provide it, tell the LPC and NHS England (Local Area Team). This will take a little work and is an important part of the regulatory process that governs the contracts to provide local pharmaceutical services. Read the draft PNA when you are alerted it is available. Make sure that details about your pharmacy (ies) are correct. If there is a service identified in the PNA that is not being delivered in your area and you are willing to provide it, tell the LPC and NHS England (Local Area Team).