October Accountability & Quality Update All Testing Accommodations Enrollments, transfers and withdrawals ACCESS ELLs 2.0 /Alternate ACCESS EVAAS Homebound Students- When a teacher of record (PowerSchool) is NOT the homebound teacher, the Teacher of Record claims 50% of instruction and Homebound Teacher claims 0%. The student is under claimed. If the homebound teach is the teacher of record, the teacher should claim 100% of instruction or per PowerSchool enrollment. Online courses must have a licensed teacher assigned and instructional responsibility is 50%, when the course is available. Elementary RtA Mid-Year/Promotion CogAT Middle NCFEs/MCFEs for Grades 6,7 and 8 Social studies and Grades 6 and 7 Science. High PreACT/CCRAA Grade 10 Fall Roster Verification- https://ncdpi.sas.com/ Preview-Dec -Jan Teacher Verification-Jan -Jan School Verification- Jan -Feb District Verification-Feb -Feb