Welcome! September 28th, 2017 Thursday Grab a Chromebook, sign in, and close the screen. Welcome! September 28th, 2017 Thursday Do Now Get out your weekly Bell Ringer sheet and begin working on Thursday’s assignment. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find the errors in the post. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you
Correct the spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors in the following social media post. What’s on your mind? © Presto Plans
Congratulations: Congratulations was misspelled. cousin, and he’s: A comma should be used to separate two complete sentences with a conjunction (and). The apostrophe was also missing in the word he’s. planning: Planning was misspelled. four: Numbers under 10 should be written. believe: Believe was misspelled. ?: A question was asked, so a question mark must be used. © Presto Plans
Body Paragraph #2: Your Thesis in Society At this point in the writing process, you have created a thesis and analyzed its presence in To Kill a Mockingbird. Now, it’s time to begin planning your second body paragraph. This paragraph focuses on proving your thesis through a current event from modern-day society (1980s onward). For example, my thesis is “kindness is more powerful than cruelty,” so I found an article about a black man who befriends members of the KKK and causes them to change their beliefs.
2nd Body Paragraph Outline: Topic Sentence – How is your thesis proven in your article? Give a 1-2 sentence introduction to the article Supporting Evidence 1 – How is your thesis shown in your chosen modern example? Supporting quotation with context (What was happening in the article when your quote was said?) Commentary – How does this prove your thesis? Supporting Evidence 2 – How is your thesis shown in the book? Concluding Sentence – Provide further commentary. How is your thesis proven in your chosen examples?
Body Paragraph #1: Your Thesis in TKAM Click on the document underneath today’s date titled “tkam-finalessay-bodyparagraph2.” Read through the document and follow each step. The document has directions for how to write your second body paragraph, step by step. When you finish, you’ll have a complete first body paragraph! Also: make sure you’re writing your body paragraph in the same document that you typed your introduction in. That document will be your essay rough draft. Good luck!