Company pictures/technical drawings and picture text Company Logo Company pictures/technical drawings and picture text Company Name Address Zip code + city Phone number (Fax) Website Email Address Contact: Name Title Email address Cellphone number Direct phone number Company profile (Max. 150 words) Consider including: What is my product (product explanations and features) How is my product different (uniqueness, advantages) Previous Experience within area (references)
EXAMPLE Confederation of Danish Industry H.C. Andersens Boulevard 18 1787 København V. (+45) 3377 3377 (+45) 3377 3300 Contact: Kathrine Lyster Hartmann Hansen Chief Advisor M: (+45) 2616 7248 D: (+45) 3377 3375 The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) is a private organization funded, owned and managed entirely by 10.000 member companies within manufacturing, trade and service industry. Denmark is an open economy, which is integrated in the European Union and with a very large foreign trade and investment portfolio. Denmark is consistently rated among the best countries in the world for doing business. DI’s member companies are united in their international view and ambition and their positive and proactive approach to free trade, investment and competition. DI’s vision is to ensure the best possible conditions for its members to conduct business, inside Denmark as well as globally. DI’s main tasks include policy advocacy at national and international level, membership services including collective bargaining and a strong set of international services. DI has extensive experience working with various governmental authorities and business organizations both at global level and within the European Union, where DI gives high priority to the membership of BUSINESSEUROPE in Brussels.
EXAMPLE Danish Maritime Symfonivej 18 2730 Herlev (+45) 33132416 Contact: Klaus Rostell Director of International Affairs D (+45) 42149522 Danish Maritime is an industrial association representing Danish producers of maritime equipment and ships. The Association has approximately 80 members. The Danish Maritime Industry is famous for its quality products and its innovative technological solutions. The industry is dynamic and international, and it comprises a large number of skills within specialized business such as shipyards, maritime suppliers and consultants. Members of Danish Maritime are engaged in areas such as shipbuilding, ship repair and maintenance, ship design, production of maritime equipment and technologies. They put emphasis on high technology and environmentally and climate friendly as well as energy efficient solutions. Members of Danish Maritime are present in all regions of the world supplying shipbuilders, ship owners and other maritime business with their products and services.