INTRODUCTION Organizational politics involves adopting either informal, unofficial or behind-the- scene efforts in order to sell ideas, influence an organization, increase power, or achieve other targeted objectives. Simply put, it is the pursuit of individual agendas and self-interest in an organization without regard to the resulting effect on the organization’s efforts to achieve its goals.
UNDERSTANDING POLITICS IN THE ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT The term “politics” has been described as a social process characterized by activity involving rivalry and cooperation in the exercise of power and culminating in decisions making for a group. Politics are a part of organizational life, because organizations are made up of different interests that need to be aligned. Aristotle portrayed politics as stemming from a diversity of interests, and those competing interests must be resolved at all costs regardless of the consequences.
Cont’d. Typically, organizations often have limited resources that must be allocated in some way. Individuals and groups within the organization may disagree about the allocation of those resources. Subsequently, they are inclined to gain those resources for themselves or their interest groups, which ultimately gives rise to organizational politics.
CAUSES OF ORGANIZATIONAL POLITICS Political behaviour is influenced by factors such as:- Individual Factors Organizational Factors
INDIVIDUAL FACTORS Internal Locus of Control Organizational Investment High Self-Monitors Internal Locus of Control Organizational Investment Perceived Job Alternatives Expectations of Success
ORGANIZATIONAL FACTORS Promotion Opportunities Unclear Performance Evaluation System Low Trust Democratic Decision Making Reallocation of Resources Self-Serving Senior Managers Role Ambiguity
CONSEQUENCES OF ORGANIZATIONAL POLITICS Organizational politics may give rise to:- Threatened employees Decreased job satisfaction Anxiety Stress Reduced performance level
OVERCOMING INEFFECTIVE ORGANIZATIONAL POLITICS Effective politics is not about winning at all costs, but it is about maintaining relationships while achieving results. These results can be achieved in 4 steps: Create a Thematic Goal Create a Set of Defining Objectives Create a Set of Ongoing Operating Objectives Create Metrics to Measure Them
POSITIVE EFFECTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL POLITICS Although organizational politics has been deemed an antisocial behaviour, it in fact acts as a positive tool. Positive organizational politics results from the amalgamation of shared goals and stimulating collaborations which serves as a social function that is important for organizations to survive.
Cont’d. Positive organizational politics moderates the relationship between employee engagement and behaviours such as: Knowledge sharing Creativity Proactivity Adaptivity
SUMMARY Organizational politics is a natural part of organizational life. It is a key social influence process that can be either functional or dysfunctional to employees and organizations. Organizations driven by unhealthy levels of political behaviour have a resulting negative effect on employees. Organizational politics could also be a tool needed for the survival of an organization.