22/11/2018 After Action Review Overview
Context Published January 2018 22/11/2018 Context Published January 2018 Provides guidance for managing all clinical and non-clinical incidents
22/11/2018 After Action Review This is a structured facilitated discussion of an event, the outcome of which enables the individuals involved in the event to understand why the outcome differed from that which was expected and what learning can be identified to assist improvement. (HSE, 2018: 21)
Circumstances where you can use AAR 22/11/2018 Circumstances where you can use AAR Review/debrief on situations with a positive outcome Better understand factors that led to the outcome Positive Outcome When planning for event or at start of teams day Common understanding of plan, critical steps and actions. Plan for a debrief after. Briefing Tool Incidents which do not reach the threshold of serious Review of less serious incidents Where a comprehensive review is also required, the AAR and its outcome should not be used as a primary source of evidence for the CR. In the aftermath of Serious Incidents
What is involved in an After Action Review (AAR)? 22/11/2018 What is involved in an After Action Review (AAR)? A structured conversation with staff for the purpose of learning Facilitated by a neutral person It focuses on 4 Questions Expect? Actual? Why? Learn?
Examples of where AAR is being used by services 22/11/2018 Examples of where AAR is being used by services coaching appraisal Hot de-brief Reviewing unexpected events training evaluation planning handling honest conversations rapid learning from serious untoward incidents briefing reviewing positive events effective meetings interviews shift change/handover debriefing patient satisfaction Improvement project evaluation induction personal reflection negative events Simplify complex events supervision 6
Key Success Factors for introducing AAR in a service 22/11/2018 Key Success Factors for introducing AAR in a service Skilled Facilitators Skilled facilitation is essential to effective AAR practice Culture of continuous learning: People at all levels of organisation share information and learn from experience Organizational leaders focus on why they conduct AARs, consistently communicate the rationale, and disseminate learning. Organisational support for - AAR practice, routine and consistent Conduct AARs as a practice or procedure, rather than a one-off event
Questions and Discussion 22/11/2018 Questions and Discussion