Indian Writing in English -Special Canon of literature Writing of Indian writers
Introduction 31st Dec. 1600 British East India Company established Christian Missionaries settle in India Schools and religion spread Company promoted recruitments Charles Grant resisted English Language in 1792 to solve the problem of communication gap.
Introduction In 1835 English adopted as an official language Lord Macaulay pleaded for English in school curriculum Bengal region was progressive in English language usage Raja Ram Mohan Roy-supported English English language and literature was introduced for the first time in India as a part of curriculum at Presidency college Calcutta
Introduction It enhanced English literature Earlier Indian mythology translated Kalidasa’s Shakuntala was translated in English by Sir William Jones
Raja Ram Mohan Roy Supported western education Worked for East India Company from 1804 to 1811 Started Hindu college on 28th January 1817 to promote English Founded a school in Suripara near Calcutta Founded another school called Anglo-Hindu school in 1822
Indo-Anglian Literature Many terms for Indian writing in English Indo-Anglian, Indo-Anglican or Anglo Indian literature It concerns with original writing of Indian writers in English, not translation alone E. F. Oaten- A Sketch of Anglo-Indian Literature (1908) describes the literature of Henry Derozio
Indo-Anglican Literature V. K. Gokak- English in India: Its past and future (1964) coined the term Indo- Anglican literature Writers belong to Indian origin -are Indian writers Kipling, Forster are few British writers writing about India Indian Diaspora- Indian origin- Naipaul, Bharati Mukherji, Jhumpa Lahiri, Salman Rushdie Ruth Prawar Jhabwala- Poland
Early Indo-Anglican Literature Henry Louis Vivian Derozio- (1809-31) Had Indo-Portuguese father and English mother The Fakeer of Jungheera: a material tale and other poems (1828) Toru Dutt-(1856-77) Binaca or the young Spanish maiden
Early Indo-Anglican Literature Rabindranath Tagore- Gitanjali received noble prize for literature Drama- Poetic drama-The Post office, Chitra Novel-The Wreck, Gora
Early Indo-Anglican Literature Sri Aurobindo- Yogi- Famous poet, dramatist Savitri-epical poem, The divine Life-Spiritual poem Sarojini Naidu-Nightingale of India-sensuous poems The Golden Threshold
Early Indian writing in English Harindranath Chattopadhyaya- Kashiprasad Ghosh Krishna Mohan Banerji Three great novelist-Raja Rao, Mulk Raj Anand, R.K. Narayan
Literature after Independence Nissim Ezekiel-poet Dom Mores A K Ramanujan R. Parthasarthy Keki Daruwala Kamla Das Jayant Mahapatra Shiv Kumar
Themes in Modern poetry Theme of alienation Eunice Desouza Nissim Ezekiel Dom Mores Gieve Patel