There are 3 types of muscle tissue: skeletal smooth cardiac
Classification of Muscle Cells Striated vs. Nonstriated striated have a banded appearance (stripes) Single nucleus or multinucleated cells Muscle cells can be controlled voluntarily (consciously) or involuntarily (automatically)
Skeletal Muscle Cells Striated, voluntary, and multinucleated are long, thin and cylindrical; they are attached to bones and move our skeleton Striations -- cross stripes (bands) run perpendicular to the cells Adaptable- can change amount of force to use them ex. Picking up paper clip- tiny amount; picking up text book- 70 lbs. of force
Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Cardiac Muscle Cells are called “cardiocytes” and found in heart walls branching cells connect at intercalated disks which allow contractions to occur faster are regulated by pacemaker cells which control contraction of the heart muscles striated, involuntary, and single nucleus
Cardiac Muscle Tissue
Smooth Muscle Cells are small and pointed at their ends can divide and regenerate new cells non-striated, involuntary, and single nucleus found in hollow organs like the intestine, bladder, lungs, and blood vessels- Visceral Peristalsis-move substances through hollow opening by contracting slowly; they squeeze things through like a tube of toothpaste
Smooth Muscle Tissue
Review What You’ve Learned… Muscle Type Striated? # of nuclei Voluntary or Involuntary Skeletal Cardiac Smooth Multi-nucleated Yes Voluntary Single Nucleus Yes Involuntary Single Nucleus No Involuntary