Routing Without Flow Control Hot-Potato Routing Simulation Project: Routing Without Flow Control Hot-Potato Routing Simulation by Larry Bush
Motivation Paper Summary
Overview Concepts How Algorithm Works Demonstration Results More than one processor, each with a its own cursor, can be traversing and manipulating the linked list. Present algorithms and data structures that directly implement a non-blocking singly-linked list. Allows multiple processes to traverse, insert and delete. Using only commonly available Compare&Swap.
Algorithm Concepts Flow Control Hot Potato Routing Greedy Dynamic
Topology N*N Torus Network
The Algorithm Good-Link / Bad-Link Home-Run Path 4 priority states: Sleeping … Lowest Priority Active Excited Running … Highest Priority
State Change Rules Sleeping Active Excited Running
Active Packet Demo
Running Packet Demo
Conflicts Both Packets Conflicts
Demo Both Packets Plus Other Sleeping Packets
Guarantees O(N) Delivery Time O(N) Injection Time
Conclusion Algorithm behaved as expected. ROSS Speed-up is Good. There are currently universal (for any ADT) wait free methods but they have too much overhead to be efficient. Therefore, this paper shows a direct implementation that is more efficient. Valois’ uses a single word version of Compare&Swap which is commonly available on most systems.
Take Aways Difficult to analyze theoretically. Simulation is a good tool for this type of problem. ROSS is a good tool for this type of simulation.
End There are currently universal (for any ADT) wait free methods but they have too much overhead to be efficient. Therefore, this paper shows a direct implementation that is more efficient. Valois’ uses a single word version of Compare&Swap which is commonly available on most systems.
Theoretical Model vs. Practical Model Does not Absorb Sleeping Packets Practical Absorbs Sleeping Packets
Outline (notes) Introduction to the problem Project scope. Motivation. Utilized all free links. Paper Overview. Define concepts in model. Define model. Destinations chosen randomly Demonstrate model. Results Model results. Explain Graphs Delivery Time (Theoretical Model / Practical Model) Injection Time (Theoretical Model / Practical Model) Summarize Results ROSS performance Speed-up (Parallel vs. Sequential) Event Rate Execution Time Parameter Effects Remote Events Sent / Total Events Processed Roll-backs / Net Events
Graphs / Results Results Model results. ROSS performance Explain Graphs Delivery Time Injection Time ROSS performance Speed-up (Parallel vs. Sequential) Event Rate
Project Scope. - Sim & Analyzed. - Algo Project Scope - Sim & Analyzed - Algo. In Costas’ Paper Paper Overview - New version of HPR. - Proved Theoretically. - Dynamic vs. Static Motivation - Utilized all free links. - Difficult to analyze theoretically. Simulation is a better tool for this type of problem.
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