Measuring and tracking health and wellbeing Pre-conception Pregnancy Birth 0 – 5 years List of indicators Smoking % of women who smoked during pregnancy (measured at initial assessment) % of women who stopped smoking during pregnancy (measured at birth) Substance misuse % of women misusing substances during pregnancy (measured at initial assessment) % of women who stopped misusing substances during pregnancy (measured at 36-38 weeks) Weight in pregnancy % of women who have a BMI of 30 or more (measured at initial assessment) % of women who gain more than the recommended weight during pregnancy (measured at 36-38 weeks) Alcohol % of women who drink five units of alcohol or more a week, during pregnancy % of women who reduced alcohol intake to less than five units of alcohol once or twice a week or less during pregnancy (measured at 36-38 weeks) Low birth weight babies % of babies born with birth weight below 2.5kgs Breastfeeding % of women exclusively breastfeeding at birth % of women exclusively breastfeeding at 10 days following birth % of women breastfeeding at eight weeks following birth Normal birth % of spontaneous vaginal births at term, with no oxytocic augmentation, acceleration or epidural, no 3rd/4th degree tear or post partum haemorrhage with a live baby of normal weight ( 2.5kgs – 4kg) and Apgars of eight or above at five minutes Teenage pregnancy rate Folic acid use Preterm birth rate Small for gestational age (babies born after 37 completed weeks gestation) Uptake of childhood immunisations Rate of avoidable hospital admissions Developmental and language delay (measured using the schedule of growth and skills) School readiness Overweight and obesity in childhood Maternal mental health Decayed, missing and filled teeth Next steps We will pilot the extraction of data from maternity systems for surveillance in Cwm Taf and Aneurin Bevan Health Boards (Plentyn Gwent Project). By December 2012 it is anticipated that exemplar surveillance reports can be produced, for those indicators where data are available and further data development is not required. The findings from this pilot work will inform the eventual roll out of this surveillance system in Wales.