Threats to your Business No matter how small
Review Business structure Plan for the left field events that may impact your business. You may have animals to consider in any decision making. Differentiate production from running the Business. Does your property have a current fire plan? In the same way, consider a flood event, drought, feed disruption, water or power disruption. Your health . If you have time away from farm, will business survive and thrive?
Planning Have a written document that can be easily located and followed. List things such as vet nutritionist, decision makers in your absence. Nominate all the team that influence your business. List day to day chores and overall aims. Have this so an outsider could come and do your job by following simple instructions. Multi skill all staff. Do you have a financial plan, budget and someone to manage this if you have a major health incident? Have an exit strategy if things change. You can’t just walk away from animals.
Insurance Are you insured so as to allow the business to be bullet proof? This needs constant reviewing as situations change. Have a set time each year to review and change if needed. You are in the human food chain. You are responsible for other people’s health. Have a documented trace back system to allow any investigation to proceed to protect your business.
Production Your targets need to be set to meet your markets. Your market needs to be known before any animals are placed. Logistics of sales and markets need to be understood. Peak debt needs to be planned for. You need to benchmark all facets of your business. Animal welfare needs to be documented . All accreditation is updated. Keep good production records.
Sales You may have a niche market. Keeping your client well informed and providing a reliable trouble free buying experience will go a long way to re orders. Keep your accounts timely and don’t allow credit outside normal terms. There is always someone who will try to undercut your business. Protect your markets. Dropping your price is the last choice
Enjoy Working harder or longer doesn’t make more profit. Working smarter will be more beneficial. Rotate your work load and have the right work/life balance. Plan holidays and enjoy the highs and plan for the lows.
Thanks for listening. Good Luck