INFORMATION by ODIN STAFF Ellen Kotrba – Technical Support and Linda Allbee – Training/Documentation
ODIN Updates ODINHELP@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU ODIN Help Desk ticket ODIN web page (public & staff) Tools used by ODIN: Wimba – used to deliver online training, topical conversation, etc Pronto – instant messaging & sharing application WebEx – used to connect PCs between library staff and ODIN staff Skype – instant messaging, sharing files, pc to pc calling ODIN Updates ODINHELP@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU DIRECTOR – Tony Stukel Admin Ass’t – Cheryl Hoffmann STAFF – Linda Allbee Bjorn Gott Ellen Kotrba Jun Lee Ginny Millette Lynn Wolf 1 Open Position Consultant – Mike Barnett
Include detailed problem – request numbers, patron barcodes, sublibraries, etc – attached screen prints are very helpful NOTE: ticket goes to all ODIN staff so that the appropriate person takes the ticket and issues are covered even when staff are on vacation, conferences, site visits! LOG IN/ Librarian Tools/Work Groups/ILL Librarian Tools/Training/ILL “Log in”
Availability line
ELUNA 2010 – Ft Worth, TX Enhancements (10 have been submitted for ILL – need to narrow to 5) ILL Special Interest Group meeting Aleph – should be around for awhile URM [Unified Resource Management] scheduled for general release Q1-2 of 2012 multi-way communication!
QUEstions? on ODIN Updates or ELUNA 2010?
Options controlled by ODIN Office Know what you are doing! Provide a note so that ODIN staff may understand your use if problems occur Options controlled by ODIN Office For now, only impacting one side – the one using the Change Status button CHANGE STATUS button Manual Operator Intervention tab_ill_change_status_in used for lending (incoming) requests tab_ill_change_status_out used for borrowing (outgoing) requests NEW: Col.3 may be used to trigger some additional processing that will take place along with the status change. In tab_ill_change_status_out, this column may set with ill_update_out_sup_status to trigger an update of the active Z411 record with the same status as the Z410 record. Note: Changing a request’s status manually triggers a log transaction that is displayed in the GUI ILL’s Request Log but no further actions or procedures. Therefore, the setup of tab_ill_change_status_out and tab_ill_change_status_in must be done with extra care to avoid a conflict with the request handling workflow (for example, a lending request that has just been loaned out to requester (status Sent on Loan - SL) should not be changed to deleted (code: DEL).
Mediated status options are: Closed, Sent on Loan & New
alephe/tab/tab_ill_change_status_in – lending/incoming
Multiple Located status options are: none
alephe/tab/tab_ill_change_status_in – lending/incoming
Locate in Progress (really means “locate failed”) options are: Closed & Shipped
alephe/tab/tab_ill_change_status_out – borrowing/outgoing
QUEstions? on Change Status button?
PARTNERS – the “actual” Interlibrary Loan unit – defines protocols If Status is “Not Active”, then the unit is not located when a locate is done!
Communications tab – if things don’t work right, 1st tab I check
Borrowing tab rules:
Lending tab rules:
Contact Details: Address, Email, Contact names, Phone Numbers, Ariel addresses
POTENTIAL SUPPLIERS – who might fill a request – Media level (printed loan, serial copy, etc) & Level (preferred to less-preferred)
Search – maybe Create – maybe Delete – maybe change levels & rules
Search can be detailed and specific
QUESTIONS? on either Partners or Potential Suppliers?
Version 20 – My Account Maximums have been added to ILL active and total Requests in patron’s My Account in the OPAC.
Version 20 - Circulation The ILL node in the patron record has been enhanced to include ILL totals.
Version 20 – Push to Items In the Borrowing tab, requests with an associated item record (i.e. items that have been received) can be pushed to the Items tab in Cataloging.
Version 20 – Group by Shipment In the Borrowing and Lending Summary view, it is now possible to group requests by Shipment Method.
Version 20 – Documentation
Version 20 Questions?
2010 ELUNA Enhancements Allow printing of multiple requests Allow for the ability to select more than one request in the upper pane (via ctrl key) and click print. Option added to print more than one request per page. Bulk receive note When receiving items via Bulk option, ability to include a note. Control number of ILL renewal requests Currently there is no way to control the number of ILL renewals someone can submit – all or none. Copy information from active or closed request Makes the ability to create new requests easier.
2010 ELUNA Enhancements Open URL1.0 support for ILL requests Would allow for ILL’s to be created in other resources and sent to ALEPH Patron status display in ILL request This would add the patron status, type and expiry date to the ILL request tab – Request Info Rearrange supplier list After the request is sent, the potential supplier list is locked and cannot be rearranged Separate logical base for borrowing and lending One base should be used for borrowing that would include a local ownership check, and another for lending that would exclude noncirculating materials
2010 ELUNA Enhancements Show call number on ill-print-lend-request This is the ‘print’ from the upper pane X-services should include ILL activity Could potentially help with 3rd party discovery tools
2010 ELUNA Enhancements ODIN is able to vote for 5 requests. The top vote getters are sent with the top 5 requests from the other ALEPH modules and sent to Ex Libris to determine how much development is required for each request. The ELUNA membership then votes on all requests in September, with the top requests being implemented in a future version of ALEPH. Thoughts on which ILL requests ODIN should support?