MDM-PAB Meeting-Jammu & Kashmir Mid Day Meal Scheme MDM-PAB Meeting-Jammu & Kashmir 28th March, 2014 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India REVIEW OF IMPLEMENTATION OF MDMS in Jammu & Kashmir (Primary + Upper Primary) (1.4.2013 to 31.12.2013) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Best Practices Payment of honorarium to CCH directly to their bank account from zonal level Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
ISSUES Delay in release of funds from State to School level. Less coverage of working days (166 out of 180 in Primary and Upper Primary and 174 out of 234 in NCLP). Only 44% payment of bills to FCI. Construction of kitchen-cum-stores (60%). Not a single kitchen-cum-store is constructed during 2013-14 Huge mismatch in utilization of food grains and cooking cost in districts like Reasi (-21%), Rajouri (-16%), Srinagar (23%), Pulwama (30%) and Kargil (19%). Negative closing balance of cooking cost and funds for honorarium to cook-cum-helpers at end of 3rd quarter. Only 29% MME utilized and 39% of the institutions inspected by the officials during the year. Slow progress in data entry into MIS portal (58% for December, 2013). Poor coverage under School Health Programme (only 11% of enrolled children screened). No medical emergency/contingency plan in case of any untoward incident.
Coverage of Children (Primary ) No. of Children (in Lakhs) 69% 87% 83% % Indicates Coverage of Children against the Total Enrollment As per ASER 2013- 80% of the enrolled children were present and MDM was served in 93% schools on the day of visit. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage of Children (Upper Primary) No. of Children (in Lakhs) 65% 82% 88% % Indicated coverage against Enrollment As per ASER 2013- 79.7% of the enrolled children were present and MDM was served in 93% schools on the day of visit. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Less Coverage of Children vis-à-vis enrolment (Pry) District % Less Coverage Severe Anemia among children Severe Anemia among adolescent girls 2012-13 2013-14 Srinagar 0% 38% -- Kishtwar 26% 33% Samba 20% Anantnag 5% 32% 0.0 2.3 Rajouri 19% Poonch 18% 25% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Less Coverage of Children vis-à-vis enrolment (U. Pry) District % Less Coverage Severe Anemia among children Severe Anemia among adolescent girls 2012-13 2013-14 Samba 18% 39% -- Kishtwar 45% 28% Poonch 17% 27% Srinagar 1% 25% Anantnag 13% 0.0 2.3 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Comparison of data: MIS vs AWP&B Average monthly data entry: 80% and 58% for December, 2013 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India SCORE - CARD 2.9 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Analysis of State’s Proposal for 2014-15 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposals and Recommendations S. No Component PAB Approval 2013-14 Proposal for 2014-15 Recommendation 1 Children (Pry) 720000 615299 2 Children (U Pry) 374000 319714 3 NCLP 641 614 Working Day (Pry and U. Pry) & NCLP 220 Py & U Py 312 NCLP 312 NCLP 4 Kitchen cum Store 1869 5 Cook cum Helper 34154 33268 (No addl.) 6 Kitchen Devices New 1339 Replacement 780 -- 7 MME Plan (Rs. in lakhs) 183.82 8 Requirement of Central Assistance (Rs. in lakhs) 11714.44 10462.95 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for 2014-15 : Children (Primary) No. of children (in lakhs) PAB Approval 2013-14 Proposal for 2014-15 (By State) Enrolment Proposal for 2014-15 (By appraisal team) Availed MDM in Q-1 Availed MDM (9 months) Availed MDM in Q-3 Availed MDM in Q-2 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for 2014-15 : Children (Upper Primary) No. of children (in Lakhs) PAB Approval for 2013-14 Availed MDM (9 months) Enrolment Availed MDM in Q-3 Proposal for 2014-15 (By Appraisal Team) Proposal for 2014-15 (By State) Availed MDN in Q-1 Availed MDM in Q-2 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
PROPOSAL FOR COOK-CUM-HELPERS PAB Approval For 2013-14 Engaged during 2013-14 Cooks to be engaged (2014-15) 34154 28191 33268 (No addl.) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
PROPOSAL FOR Kitchen-cum-stores Total Institutions (Govt. + Govt. aided + Local Bodies) Total Sanctioned till 2013-14 Construction through Convergence Gap State’s Proposal Recommendation 1 2 3 4=(1-2-3) 5 19766 11815 6082 1869 1869* 0* *Construction work in 40% sanctioned kitchen-cum-stores has not yet started. The State should construct these kitchen-cum-stores in the first instance and then ask for additional 1869 kitchen-cum-store Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
PROPOSAL FOR Kitchen devices Total Institutions Total Sanctioned till 2013-14 Convergence Gap State’s Proposal Recommendation by Appraisal team New Replacement 1 2 3 4 5=(1-2-4) 6 7 8 9 22965 21504 122 1339 -- Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Thank You ! Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
District-wise monthly data entry Average monthly data entry: 80% and 58% for December, 2013
Summary of performance - Physical Percentage Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Summary of performance – Financial % Percentage Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Construction of Kitchen cum Stores Total Units sanctioned : 11815 Progress (in %) 4803 KS 2315 KS 4697 KS Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Procurement of Kitchen Devices under MDM Total Sanctioned : 21504 Kitchen Devices Progress (in %) 20192 KD 1312 KD Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
ENGAGEMENT OF COOKS-CUM-HELPERS No. of CCH Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Availability of Infrastructure Availability in % schools ASER data 2013: Usable toilets for girls 39% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Monitoring and Evaluation Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Only 1 SSMC meetings held during the FY 2013-14. District Level Vigilance & Monitoring Committee constituted but no meeting held. 39% schools inspected, MME utilization is 29%. Annual data entered for 99% schools and monthly data entry completed for 58% schools for December, 2013. No medical emergency plan provided in the plan. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
School Health Programme Spectacles distributed to 499 children
Status on Pre-requisite steps for AWP&B Plan should be approved by SSMC Meeting Yes 100% payment of honorarium shall be made to cook cum helpers up to December 2013 100% payment of cost of foodgrains shall be made to FCI upto 31st December 2013 44% Separate and detailed MME plan. Bank account should be opened for cook cum helpers Plan should also be submitted through MDM-MIS No
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Contd.. Pre-requisite step Status Annual and Monthly data entry for the FY 2013-14 should be completed up to December 2013. Annual: 99% Monthly: 80% Dec: 58% ATN on commitments given by the State Govt. during PAB Meeting of 2013-14. Yes ATN on findings of reports of MI and recommendations of JRM reports NA Plan should be submitted within the scheduled date in hard and soft copies both. No Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India