GOVERNMENTS of The United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
How is power distributed in the United Kingdom? The Parliament How is power distributed in the United Kingdom? Power is held by one central authority. Power is distributed from the central authority to the regional authorities. Therefore the United Kingdom has a Unitary System of government. Central Authority Regional Authorities Wales England Scotland N. Ireland
Form of democracy? Parliament (The House of Commons) Prime Minister The citizens only elect the members of the Parliament not the leader. The leader is selected from within the legislature. Therefore the UK has a Parliamentary form of democracy. Parliament (The House of Commons)
The Prime Minister is head of the government, and is ultimately responsible for all policy and decisions. Theresa May (since July 2016) The Queen or monarch is the head of state. The Queen has limited power. Therefore the United Kingdom is a Constitutional Monarchy. Queen Elizabeth II (since 1952)
The United Kingdom is a Parliamentary Democracy with a Constitutional Monarchy, and a Unitary System of government.
Federal Republic of Germany
How is power distributed in the Germany? In Germany, the power is divided between the Central authority and the regional authorities. Therefore, Germany has a Federal System of government. Central Authority (Parliament) Regional Authority (German states)
Form of democracy? Parliament (Bundestag) Chancellor The citizens only elect the members of the Parliament not the leader. The leader is elected from within the legislature. Therefore Germany has a Parliamentary form of democracy Parliament (Bundestag)
The Chancellor is head of the government in Germany, and is ultimately responsible for all policy and decisions. Angela Merkel (since 2005) The President (selected by the Chancellor) is the head of state. The President has limited power. (Joachim Gauck since 2012)
Germany is a Parliamentary Democracy with a Federal System of government.
Russian Federation Russia
How is power distributed in the Russia? In Russia, the power is divided between the Central authority and the regional authorities. Therefore, Russia has a Federal System of government. Central Authority Regional Authority (Provinces)
Form of democracy? Premier/ Prime Minister President Legislature (DUMA) The citizens elect the President and the members of the legislature. The President selects the Prime Minister or Premier from within the legislature. Therefore Russia has a semi- presidential form of democracy
The President is head of the state, and is ultimately responsible for all policy and decisions. (Vladimir Putin…. Its complicated) The Prime minister or Premier is the head of government and is appointed by the President. Dmitry Medvedev
Russia is a Semi- Presidential Democracy with a Federal System of government.