Los reflexivos gramaticales Grammatical reflexives
Grammatical reflexives When a verb is used reflexively, the action is directed back on the subject and a reflexive pronoun is used. The reflexive pronoun corresponds to the subject. This means that the subject and the indirect object are the same person. Yo me peiné. Tú te bañaste. Él se lavó los dientes. I combed (my hair). You bathed (yourself). He brushed his teeth.
Grammatical reflexives Some verbs, known as grammatical reflexives, take a reflexive pronoun, but their action is not directed back on the subject. Three such verbs are criarse - to grow (up) comunicarse – to communicate casarse – to marry
Grammatical reflexives These verbs often express a process or change in state. Nos criamos en el campo. We grew up in the country. Me comunico con mis padres por teléfono. I communicate with my parents by telephone. ¿Te casaste con Raúl? Did you marry Raúl?
More grammatical reflexives Acostumbrarse – to get used to Burlarse – to make fun of Enojarse – to get angry Esforzarse – to make an effort Expresarse – to express oneself Graduarse – to graduate Mudarse – to move Preocuparse – to worry Quedarse – to stay, to end up Quejarse – to complain