Expository Text Summary Mini Lesson Day #4
Connection After identifying the text structure and main ideas of the article, we will put the information together in an organized summary. Today we will continue reading “The Background” about the Revolutionary war and practice writing a summary based on what we’ve read so far. Let’s re-read our annotations and I will record them on the summary chart (chart paper). This is necessary so when I write my final summary so I do not forget key details within the text.
Teaching After recording my summary statements, I must write a final summary that includes all the summary details. The purpose of the final summary is to synthesize all the information that you have learned and put it into an organized way. I will not quote directly from the text, instead I will paraphrase information directly from the article. I will not include information that is not written within the text.
Guided Practice You will continue working with the expository text and finish annotating it. When you finish, list your summary statements (in order) on a sheet of notebook paper and record your summary statements. You will then write a final summary on a separate sheet of notebook paper.
Link As you write a final summary, make sure to include information gathered from your annotations. The final summary should reflect only the information learned from the article.