May 10th, 2016 Brown
Writing Style dissection Group Three- Work on your project. Start reading the book, pulling out the three to four important events in each chapter. Make sure you include textual evidence. Group One and Two: Get a quote from the text, poster paper, and glue/tape from Mr. Brown and attach the quote to the middle of the paper. Create a title for your poster and write your names. Identify the speaker of the quote and explain what the quote is about in relation to the novel. Dissect the text- find TEN different topics according to the author’s writing style. Draw an arrow from the quote, give the rule/literary device used, and explain the rule or why the author uses it.
You Can Identify… Sentence Structures Grammar Uses Capitalization or Punctuation Rules Verbals Figurative Language Descriptive Language Tone Literary Devices Broken Rules Word Choice Point-of-View Character Development
BCR- Answer the following questions Discuss the answer with someone else in your group and write your answer in the form of a BCR. Make sure you cite textual evidence. Group One- Why do the littleuns choose to follow Jack and the hunters rather than Ralph? Is it because they feel safer with Jack's group, believing that Jack can protect them? Or do they enjoy what the hunters do? Group Two- What does hunting mean to the beginning, and then later? What happens to his mental state after he kills his first pig? Group Three- Lord of the Flies was published in 1954, although it is set in some fictional future. In what ways does its message seem to speak to the violence that is present in 1954? What about violence today?