Learning styles and teaching styles Gabrieli, P. (2010). Investigations on Interactions between students and teachers of diverse learning styles during science teaching and learning in secondary schools in Tanzania. Masters’ Thesis University of Dar-es-Salaam.
Teaching strategies which are widely used in science classrooms may create instructional selection: … constructing learning environments in which only a subset of learners can succeed.
What is a learning style? «How we prefer to learn» [‘The complex manner in which, and conditions under which, learners most efficiently and most effectively perceive, process, store, and recall what they are attempting to learn’’ ]
Three frameworks for characterizing differences in the way learners prefer to learn: Dimensions of learning styles in science Howard Gardner’s Theory of Muliple Intelligences The VARK Framework
Dimensions of Learning in Science and Mathematics Sensory Intuitive Visual Verbal Active Reflective Sequential Global
Howard Gardner’s Theory of Muliple Intelligences In Gardner’s view, the dominant IQ-tests only measure one type of intelligence … There are different areas of intelligence
Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory Intelligence is characterized by facility with . .. 1. Linguistic-verbal Words, language, reading, and writing 2. Logical-mathematical Mathematics, calculations and quantification 3. Visual-spatial Three dimensions, imagery and graphic information 4. Bodily-kinesthetic Manipulation of objects, physical interaction with materials 5. Musical-rhythmic Rhythm, pitch, melody, and tone 6. Interpersonal Understanding of others, ability to work effectively in groups 7. Intrapersonal Metacognitive ability to understand oneself, self-awareness 8. Naturalistic Observation of patterns, identification and classification
The VARK (VAK) framework V – visual A – aural K – kinetic R – reading/writing
4 9 2 1
4 9 2 1 Aurial (A) learning seems to be your nr 1 preference. But you may still sometimes choose the visual (V) , the kinetic (K) or the Read/write (R) way of learning.
Teaching styles 1. Expert 2. Formal Authority 3. Personal 4. Facilitator 5. Delegator Teaching styles
Teaching styles 1. Expert 2. Formal Authority 3. Personal 4. Facilitator 5. Delegator Teaching styles How about the good teacher you had in mind? What kind of teacher would you like to be?
Conclusions Avoid Instructional Selection through the use of multiple pedagogical approaches Reflect on your own learning style Reflect on your own teaching style Expanding the repertoire of your teaching is not an immediate major shift …. but small steps
It does not make sense to speak about pure teacher-centered and pure learner-centered approaches Teacher- Learner-centered centered