The Church By Colby Myers, Becka Johnson, Maren Conolly, Kylie Hall, Tristan Howard, and Kosta Drandakis
Who is Saint Francis of Assisi? Saint Francis of Assisi was the founder of the Franciscans, a Roman Catholic religious Order. Franciscans devoted themselves to preaching and caring for the poor and the sick. Francis had a deep respect for nature and love for animals that gave him the name the Patron saint of ecology.
Saint Francis of Assisi Born in Assisi, Italy in 1181 His real name is Giovanni Bernardone In 1202, he joined the young men of Assisi in a battle against perugia and was captured and held as a prisoner for one year. In 1205, he began the process of religious conversion
Sacraments Definition: ceremonies at which participants receive gods direct favor or grace to ward off the consequences of sin. They were taken to confirm holy orders. Parish priest conducted 5 of 7 sacrament ceremonies.
Monasteries Monasteries were their main source of education. Schooling happened in monasteries and churches. Very few people had schooling, mostly the nobles had education Schools opened as towns grew Teachers would try to get students by setting up a school Teachers and students formed guilds to protect and gain rights. Such as universitas -Latin for “association of people”
Late 1,000s – 1,400s 1000s and 1200s four great universities developed. These were in Paris and Oxford England Different universities taught different subjects such as Religion Art Mathematics Latin Music and other subjects. 1400s many universities had opened, most universities had same programs. Students had to pass certain stages before receiving their degrees Bachelor of arts Master of arts Guild of teaching Some students went on to study law, medicine, or theology.
Great Schism Started in 1378 – ended in 1417. In 1378 the papal court was based in Rome and an Italian was elected pope as Pope Urban VI. The cardinals in the French interest refused to accept him, declared his election void, and named Clement VII as pope. The spectacle of two rival popes, each holding himself out as the only true successor of St. Peter, continued for about forty years and injured the Papacy more than anything else that had happened to it.