LSAR Interface – ASENT Import


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Presentation transcript:

LSAR Interface – ASENT Import Last revised: 12/16/2009

Our MMP group provides complete solutions for both commercial and military products - from concept through development and deployment. No other vendor offers a more complete set of tools .

Introduction In today’s environment, it is becoming more and more common for customers to field existing products longer. This creates a demand for upgrades and redesigns of existing products. Because of this, ASENT and EAGLE provide users a means to import existing program LSAR data from EAGLE into ASENT. This time-saving feature allows a wide range of data to be passed in an automated fashion. For example, the product tree structure, failure rate and MTBF information, FMEA/FMECA data, and Maintenance tasks can all be imported from EAGLE into ASENT.

ASENT’S LSAR Interface ASENT DB LSAR DB Any 1388-2B compliant LSAR tool

Invoking ASENT’s LSAR Interface From the Session Manager, right-click on a project and select the LSAR interface option to invoke the tool. ASET DB

ASENT’s LSAR Interface There are Preview and Create options available for both Exports and Imports. The preview option takes you through a mock run and highlights any problems. The Create option actually starts the Export/Import.

ASENT’s LSAR Interface Here, the Import screen is displayed. The user has complete control over what data is brought into ASENT. Here, the user selects Assemblies and tells ASENT how to interpret the failure rates.

ASENT’s LSAR Interface Here, the user is presented with a Open file dialog so that they can select the EAGLE fullfile or 1388-2B text file to import into ASENT. Merely select the file name and click on the Open button to continue with the import.

ASENT’s LSAR Interface If an ASENT project already exists for the selected End Item, the user has the ability to update the existing project or add it to a new project that will be created automatically.

ASENT’s LSAR Interface If FMECA data was selected as part of the import, then this window will be presented to the user. ASENT will show you other projects that have FMECA data and allow you to choose one of these as the starting point for your failure mode/effect libraries. This can be helpful if you are working on a project that is a spin-off of one that already has a lot of this data. If you are unsure, pick COMMON_FMD91.

ASENT’s LSAR Interface If FMECA data was selected as part of the import, then this window will be presented to the user. Here, you can rename the function and phase, if you’d like, for the FMECA portion of the data. This information is often used to note different modes of operation. For example, your product might be some vision enhancement goggles and you might have Surveillance Mode as the function and Night as the phase.

ASENT’s LSAR Interface After the import completes a report will be displayed. This screen shows a diagnostics report for the import. This can be saved off or printed by clicking on the appropriate button. ASET DB

ASENT combines a comprehensive export feature with its ability to import existing LSAR data, so that design trade-offs for upgrades and redesigns can be quickly accessed. ASENT Introduction slide. Shows a small sample of products that use ASENT for design analysis.

Data Exchange ASENT Introduction slide. Shows a small sample of products that use ASENT for design analysis.

ASENT, EAGLE, and AIMSS are trademarks of Raytheon Company ASENT, EAGLE, and AIMSS are trademarks of Raytheon Company. Microsoft and SQL Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.