About NAS 2017 Conducted on November 13,2017 in all States Classes & Subject : III (Language, EVS & Mathematics) V (Language, EVS & Mathematics)


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Presentation transcript:

About NAS 2017 Conducted on November 13,2017 in all States Classes & Subject : III (Language, EVS & Mathematics) V (Language, EVS & Mathematics) VIII (Language, Mathematics, Science & Social Science) Based on Learning Outcomes (First Time) Tested 69466 students in Punjab: III (20500 students) V (24046 students) VIII (24920 students)

Expectations from NAS

NAS Results NAS district report cards containing district data have been released to the States & UTs and the same can be Downloaded from MHRD website. The district data is released to the States and UTs for seeking their comments. This data is provisional data and will be finalized on receipt of comments from the States and UTs.

Analysis of National Achievement Survey 2017 Result

Sample Profile Class Total School Total Students III 1342 20500 V 24046 VIII 1107 24920

  Gender Area Category CWSN Management Class Boys Girls Rural Urban SC ST OBC GEN LD VI HI S&LD ID Other Able Govt. Govt. Aided III Number of Students 10324 10176 16611 3889 14085 41 3173 3201 60 53 66 127 318 19816 19755 745 Percentage 50.36 49.64 81.03 18.79 67.64 0.2 16.12 16.04 0.29 0.26 0.32 0.62 1.55 96.66 96 4 V 12111 11924 17941 6105 15673 73 4196 4104 83 111 33 57 124 254 23384 22544 1511 50.41 49.58 74.33 25.57 64.13 0.33 18 17 0.35 0.46 0.14 0.24 0.52 1.06 97.25 94 6 VIII 12603 12317 19807 5113 15490 101 4758 4571 52 93 39 120 35 575 24006 22918 2002 50.57 49.43 79.49 20.51 62.23 0.41 19.2 18.16 0.21 0.37 0.16 0.48 2.31 96.33 92 8

District wise analysis of class III (in %)

GOOD PERFORMING DISTRICTS Class III EVS Sr no District Overall Gender Area Mgt. Social Group Male Female Rural Urban Govt. Aided SC ST OBC GEN 1 Amritsar 57 56 62 64 55   2 Barnala 50 48 51 49 53 20 3 Bathinda 38 37 39 43 24 10 18 45 36 4 Fazilka 13 60 5 Fatehgarh Sahib 47 67 6 Faridkot 58 27 54 59 7 Ferozepur 63 65 8 Gurdaspur 61 46 68 9 Hoshiarpur Jalandhar 66 11 Kapurthala 100 52 12 Ludhiana Moga 22 14 Mansa 15 Patiala 70 16 Pathankot 30 17 Ropar 40 35 42 Sangrur 69 19 SAS Nagar 41 SBS Nagar 80 21 Shri Mukatsar Sahib 44 Tarantaran 33 GOOD PERFORMING DISTRICTS . JALANDHAR (66%) . SANGRUR (65%) . FEROZEPUR (64%) LOW PERFORMING DISTRICTS .BATHINDA (38%) .ROPAR (39%) .SHRI MUKATSAR SAHIB (44%) Lowest Performing Learning Outcomes (LOs) 1 - Observes rules in games (local, indoor, outdoor) 2 - Identifies directions, location of objects/places in simple maps using signs/symbols/verbally 3 - Records observations, experiences, information on objects/activities/places visited in different ways and predicts patterns etc. 4 - Groups objects, birds, animals, features, activities according to differences/similarities using different senses. (e.g.appearance/place of living/ food/ movement/ likes-dislikes/ any other features) 5 - Identifies simple features (e.g. movement, at places found/ kept, eating habits, sounds) of animals and birds in the immediate surroundings. .Female perform better than Male (54%-53%=1%) Rural students perform better than Urban's (54%-51%=3%) Govt. Schools perform better than aided (54%-42%=12%) SC,OBC,Gen performance is equal (54%) and better than ST(49%).

GOOD PERFORMING DISTRICTS LOW PERFORMING DISTRICTS Class III Language Sr no District Overall Gender Area Mgt Social Group Male Female Rural Urban Govt. Aided SC ST OBC GEN 1 Amritsar 64 63 65 71 73 62   67 2 Barnala 55 53 56 54 57 35 51 3 Bathinda 42 41 43 47 27 18 24 48 4 Fazilka 66 72 20 5 Fatehgarh Sahib 50 52 44 46 80 49 6 Faridkot 37 70 7 Ferozepur 61 8 Gurdaspur 68 69 9 Hoshiarpur 58 10 Jalandhar 75 76 74 77 11 Kapurthala 60 12 Ludhiana 13 Moga 14 Mansa 15 Patiala 16 Pathankot 40 17 Ropar 45 Sangrur 19 SAS Nagar SBS Nagar 59 33 21 Shri Mukatsar Sahib 22 Tarantaran GOOD PERFORMING DISTRICTS .JALANDHAR (75%) .FEROZEPUR (71%) .SNAGRUR (69%) & SBS NAGAR (69%) LOW PERFORMING DISTRICTS .BATHINDA (42%) .ROPAR (43%) .SHRI MUKATSAR SAHIB (49%) Lowest Performing Learning Outcomes (LOs) 1 - Reads printed scripts on the classroom walls: poems, posters, charts etc. 2 - Reads small texts with comprehension i.e., identifies main ideas, details, sequence and draws conclusions Female perform better than Male (60%-59%=1%) Rural students perform better than Urban's (60%-56%=4%) Govt. Schools perform better than aided (60%-51%=9%) SC,OBC,Gen performance is equal (60%) and better than ST(53%).

Lowest Performing Learning Outcomes (LOs) GOOD PERFORMING DISTRICTS .JALANDHAR (65%) .SNAGRUR (64%) .FEROZEPUR (63%) LOW PERFORMING DISTRICTS .BATHINDA (36%) .ROPAR (38%) .SHRI MUKATSAR SAHIB (41%) Class III Maths Sr no District Overall Gender Area Management Social Group Male Female Rural Urban Govt. Aided SC ST OBC GEN 1 Amritsar 57 55 58 56 61 63   65 2 Barnala 46 44 47 50 15 42 3 Bathinda 36 41 23 37 5 35 24 43 4 Fazilka 54 69 27 Fatehgarh Sahib 38 45 40 6 Faridkot 7 Ferozepur 62 30 64 59 52 8 Gurdaspur 60 66 9 Hoshiarpur 48 10 Jalandhar 70 11 Kapurthala 51 73 12 Ludhiana 49 13 Moga 53 14 Mansa 39 Patiala 16 Pathankot 17 Ropar 32 29 33 18 Sangrur 67 19 SAS Nagar 20 SBS Nagar 25 87 21 Shri Mukatsar Sahib 22 Tarantaran Lowest Performing Learning Outcomes (LOs) 1 - Fills a given region leaving no gaps using a tile of a given shape 2 - Estimates and measures length and distance using standard units like centimeters or meters & identifies relationships 3 - Extends patterns in simple shapes and numbers 4 - Solves simple daily life problems using addition and subtraction of three digit numbers with and without regrouping 5 - Reads and writes numbers up to 999 using place value Performance of Female is equal to Male (52%) Rural students perform better than Urban's (52%-50%=2%) Govt. Schools perform better than aided (52%-42%=10%) SC, OBC, Gen performance is equal (52%) and better than ST(48%).

District wise analysis of class V (in %)

GOOD PERFORMING DISTRICTS LOW PERFORMING DISTRICTS Class V EVS Sr no District overall Gender Area Management Social Group Male Female Rural Urban Govt. Aided SC ST OBC GEN 1 Amritsar 51 50 53   52 54 2 Barnala 40 38 41 31 3 Bathinda 37 36 28 39 17 20 35 4 Fazilka 56 47 5 Fatehgarh Sahib 42 44 46 43 6 Faridkot 49 7 Ferozepur 59 58 61 60 63 8 Gurdaspur 62 67 65 9 Hoshiarpur 55 10 Jalandhar 11 Kapurthala 45 12 Ludhiana 33 13 Moga 64 57 14 Mansa 23 15 Patiala 16 Pathankot 48 Ropar 18 Sangrur 19 SAS Nagar SBS Nagar 21 Shri Mukatsar Sahib 22 Tarantaran 34 Overall GOOD PERFORMING DISTRICTS .GURDASPUR (61%) .FEROZEPUR (59%) .MOGA (55%) LOW PERFORMING DISTRICTS .BATHINDA (37%) .SHRI MUKATSAR SAHIB & BARNALA (40%) .PATIALA (41%) Lowest Performing Learning Outcomes (LOs) 1 - Groups objects, materials, activities for features/properties such as shape, taste, color , texture, sound, traits etc. 2 - Establishes linkages among terrain, climate, resources (food, water, shelter, livelihood) and cultural life. (e.g. life in distant/difficult areas like hot/cold deserts). 3 - Identifies signs, directions, location of different objects/landmarks of a locality /place visited in maps and predicts directions w.r.t. positions at different places for a location. 4 - Describes the interdependence among animals, plants and humans. 5 - Identifies relationship with and among family members in extended family. Female perform better than male (49%-48%=1%) Rural students perform better than Urban's (49%-48%=1%) Govt. Schools perform better than aided (49%-42%=7%) SC, ST, OBC performance is equal (48%) but not better than GEN (50%).

GOOD PERFORMING DISTRICTS LOW PERFORMING DISTRICTS Class V Language Sr no District Overall Gender Area Management Social Group Male Female Rural Urban Govt. Aided SC ST OBC GEN 1 Amritsar 53 51 57 60 52   58 2 Barnala 44 42 45 43 41 46 3 Bathinda 39 37 40 30 17 38 34 4 Fazilka 56 54 55 59 93 5 Fatehgarh Sahib 47 6 Faridkot 50 49 7 Ferozepur 61 63 62 8 Gurdaspur 68 64 9 Hoshiarpur 10 Jalandhar 48 66 11 Kapurthala 33 12 Ludhiana 13 Moga 72 14 Mansa 25 15 Patiala 16 Pathankot 67 Ropar 18 Sangrur 19 SAS Nagar 20 SBS Nagar 21 Shri Mukatsar Sahib 22 Tarantaran GOOD PERFORMING DISTRICTS . GURDASPUR & FEROZEPUR (61%) .FAZILKA (56%) .MOGA (55%) LOW PERFORMING DISTRICTS .BATHINDA (39%) .PATIALA & BARNALA (44%) .ROPAR & FATEHGARH SAHIB (45%) Lowest Performing Learning Outcomes (LOs) 1 - Reads and comprehends independently storybooks, news items/ headlines, advertisements etc. 2 - Reads text with comprehension, locates details and sequence of events. Female perform better than male (51%-49%=2%) Performance of rural students is equal to urban students(50%). Govt. Schools perform better than aided (51%-46%=5%) Performance of GEN and ST students is equal (52%) but better than OBC (51%) and SC (50%).

Lowest Performing Learning Outcomes (LOs) Class V Maths Sr no District overall Gender Area Management Social Group Male Female Rural Urban Govt. Aided SC ST OBC GEN 1 Amritsar 46 45 47   2 Barnala 36 35 37 20 33 38 3 Bathinda 32 31 34 24 13 4 Fazilka 48 59 49 40 52 5 Fatehgarh Sahib 41 43 29 39 6 Faridkot 44 42 7 Ferozepur 56 54 57 55 23 8 Gurdaspur 51 53 58 73 9 Hoshiarpur 10 Jalandhar 26 50 11 Kapurthala 12 Ludhiana 30 Moga 14 Mansa 19 15 Patiala 27 16 Pathankot 80 17 Ropar 18 Sangrur SAS Nagar SBS Nagar 21 Shri Mukatsar Sahib 22 Tarantaran 25 28 Overall GOOD PERFORMING DISTRICTS .FEROZEPUR (56%) .GURDASPUR (54%) .SANGRUR (51%) LOW PERFORMING DISTRICTS .BATHINDA (32%) .SHRI MUKATSAR SAHIB (35%) .BARNALA & PATIALA (36%) Lowest Performing Learning Outcomes (LOs) 1 - Estimates the volume of a solid body in known units. 2 - Applies operations of numbers in daily life situations . 3 - Applies the four fundamental arithmetic operations in solving problems involving money, length, mass, capacity and time intervals. 4 - Identifies the pattern in triangular numbers and square number. 5 - Identifies and forms equivalent fractions of a given fraction. . Female perform better than male (44%-43%=1%) Rural students perform better than urban students (44%-43%=1%). Govt. Schools perform better than aided (44%-37%=7%) Performance of GEN students (45%) is better than SC, ST, OBC . SC and OBC students performance is equal (43%) and better than ST (41%)