What is an Ideal Welfare State?
1.WORD BANK National Insurance per cent the retired Employee benefit the widowed Employer entitled to the unemployed Health service paid to pensioners Social Security the elderly Allowance claimed by the disabled Financial help available to families on low in- Invalidity pen- provided with comes sion short-term sick people Donation long-term sick people Contributions and taxes
Speech Patterns 1. -What categories of people can claim social benefits? - The elderly, the widowed, single parents… 2. – Do all people who are entitled to benefits receive them? - Yes, they do. (No, they do not.) 3. – Your family receives social benefits, doesn’t it? - Yes, it does.( No, it doesn’t.) 4. – What types of payments are available to different categories of citizens? -Child benefit, free medical care, maternity pay, scholarship, dole money, mobility allowance, family credit…
state/retirement pension - families with children who have very low incomes widow’s pension - a person who is out of work for up to a year maternity pay - a person who is unable to work after a sickness period family credit -disabled people to pay for transport or to mobility allowance buy a special vehicle - retired people/ pensioners invalidity pension - women whose husbands died unemployment benefit - women who leave work to have a baby
HOW IS FINANCIAL HELP DISTRIBUTED IN GREAT BRITAIN? Elderly people/ retired people Long-term sick and disabled people Families on low incomes Unemployed people Short-term sick people Widows and others 2 11% 18% 48% 19% 2
I think… To my mind… I believe… I guess… In my opinion… Of course… I’d like to say…