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Portfolio Development Definition Purpose Contents Examples Instructor Tips The purpose of this lesson is to provide you, the classroom teacher with strategies to implement a student portfolio in your Project Lead The Way courses. During this lesson, I will: * -define what a portfolio is * -explain why portfolios are used * -outline the contents of a portfolio * -provide examples of portfolio entries * -and provide instructor tips on how to utilize and facilitate the portfolio in the classroom.
What Is a Portfolio? Record of student work Display of best work Teaching tool Evidence of original ideas Evidence of content mastery What is a portfolio? Depending on the audience, the definition of a portfolio may vary. * For our purpose, the portfolio is a historical record of student learning. * It is a location to display a student’s best work. * It is a tool that can be used by the instructor to teach students the important process of revision.* In the end this organized collection of best work will serve as evidence of the student’s original ideas * as well as evidence that the student has mastered the objectives and contents of the PLTW® course. A portfolio should not be confused with a journal or an engineering notebook. The engineering notebook is a place to document the evolution of ideas and thoughts during a project.
Portfolio Contents Photographs Cover Data Analysis Personal Info Page Table of Contents Design Brief Research Photographs Data Analysis Technical Drawings Rubric Self Evaluation The contents of a portfolio and its structure should be geared toward the intended audience. For our purpose, the content and flow should be developed on the premise that this record of work may very well be reviewed by college professors or admissions representatives, a PLTW® certification team, or even a potential employer. Since this audience would be mostly concerned about course content and the development of specific skills related to the curriculum, it is recommended that you follow the course sequence when deciding format and contents of the portfolio. Some suggested items that you may decide to have students include per project are: * A Cover Page * and or a personal information page. * A Table of Contents listing the projects included in the archive. * A Design Brief spelling out the design challenge and project constraints. * Any Research generated, including appropriate citation of resources. * Photographs of mock-ups or prototypes. * Analysis of Data collected during the life of the project. * Technical Drawings created with 3D modeling software. * A Rubric by which the work was evaluated. * And finally a self evaluation. The following slides will provide an in-depth discussion of these content items.
Cover Page Standard or Custom Course Student Name School Year * You may opt to create a standardized cover page for the students or allow them to customize the cover. The cover page should include at minimum: * the course name * student name * and school year
Personal Info Page Biography Photo Student Skills Qualifications A personal information page can be added in addition to the cover. This page can include student-related information such as: * an autobiography* photos * * or other details describing the skills and qualifications of the student.
Table of Contents Aids In: Organization Navigation A completed portfolio should be self-explanatory. The portfolio should be easy to follow, without verbal explanation, and should clearly demonstrate the student’s skills and knowledge. * A table of contents can help the intended audience navigate through the portfolio. * * Tabs which follow the Table of Contents numbering could be added to allow the viewer to access the beginning of each project.
The Design Brief Client/end user Target consumer Problem statement Design statement Constraints For each artifact, project, or problem, students should include a design brief. Engineers use design briefs to clearly define a problem, provide solution expectations, and identify project constraints. Including a design brief with these basic elements for each project provides evidence that students have gained these valuable skills.
Sketches (Optional) Student sketches that were generated in the engineering notebook could be included if the student chooses to include them. The sketches should be photocopied or scanned to keep the engineering notebook intact.
Research & Photographs Distance Traveled Time Speed (Distance ÷ Time) 1st Run 24 feet 3.2 seconds 7.5 feet per second 2nd Run 22.5 feet 4.5 seconds 5.0 feet per second 3rd Run 3.0 seconds 8 feet per second 4th Run 23 feet 3.8 seconds 6.1 feet per second 5th Run 23.5 feet 4.0 seconds 5.9 feet per second The information included in the Research and Photograph section should be kept simple and understandable. Be brief in your descriptions and include such items as: * -Examples of project research and key findings* -Photographs of models* -Photographs of prototypes* Or photographs of completed projects. This will help the viewer to gain a clearer understanding of the project’s outcome. *
Self Evaluation Synthesis & reflection Self improvement A summary of the project learning If self evaluations were a part of the project or problem, then those should be included in the portfolio to demonstrate a high level of learning.* The self evaluation is a reflection document requiring students to synthesize their newly acquired skills and articulate them to the intended audience. * * As instructor it is best to give writing prompts or a formatted questionnaire so that students remain focused on exactly what to evaluate. Example writing prompts could be: In your own words, describe the purpose of this project. Describe how you followed the design process throughout this project. What unique skills did you offer your team? What would you do next time to improve? What did you learn from this project? If a student is asked later to present the portfolio work, this self reflection will allow the student to recall specific details about the projects included in the collection.