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A New Beginning w/b 11th September 2017 An opportunity to consider our hopes, dreams, fears and targets for the new school year
A New Beginning Word Reader 1: It’s my wedding day. I’m looking forward to married life and the chance to take decisions together with my partner, set up a home and have children. But I am going to miss so much about the single life, especially the total independence and being able to focus on myself. It’s a brand-new start, but it’ll be hard leaving the old life behind.
A New Beginning Reader 2: I don’t know why I entered this marathon run. All I can see are 26 and a bit miles of agony. I’ve not trained enough and I know I should have lost some weight. As I stand here on the start line, I’m absolutely dreading what’s to come.
A New Beginning Reader 3: I’m so excited. We’re moving into a new house and I’ve got the chance to do my room exactly as I want it. No more traces of childish wallpaper and chipped woodwork from the toys that I played with. I’m going to plan carefully, take my time and achieve the result I want, something that expresses the person I am. So, let’s get started.
A New Beginning Reader 4: I’ve never tried to navigate a maze before. I can’t see over the top of the bushes, so every turn is going to be a gamble. I wish I had some idea of the way to go. What if I get totally lost? Do they send someone in at the end of the day to gather up the sad remains of those who never made it out? Well, here’s the start. In I go.
A New Beginning Response Leader: How do you feel today? How do you feel about starting a new school year? Some of you will be like our first character. Yes, there are aspects of the new year that you’re looking forward to, but it was fun being on holiday, too. Today means the end of freedom, long lie-ins and adventure.
A New Beginning Leader: Others of you will feel like the marathon runner. It’s a long time until next July and the months are filled with hard work. School seems like a long slog and you’re not looking forward to it at all.
A New Beginning Leader: Hopefully, there are some of you who feel like our third character. You’ve got ambitions for this year. You want to achieve certain results, maybe in exams, maybe in sport or music or drama. There are experiments that you want to do, you want to try out something new. You can’t wait to get started.
A New Beginning Leader: Finally, there are those of you who are facing the unknown. You’re new to the school and haven’t had a chance to develop friendships. Where will you fit in? Possibly, you’re feeling a little anxious about each new situation you’re going to face. How will the staff react to a newcomer? Who do I ask when I have a problem? It’s a new start.
A New Beginning
A New Beginning Leader: Many of us (including staff) probably share a mixture of those emotions: the regret, dread, excitement and uncertainty that our four characters separately illustrated. So, we’re in this together. Take a moments quiet to acknowledge the emotions you are feeling at the start of the school year.
A New Beginning Dismiss Leader: So, if you’re looking back with regret that the summer’s over, may you have the courage to start looking forward to the year ahead. If you’re dreading what lies in front of you, may you experience support and kindness from staff, friends and family. If you’re excited, then may you take responsibility for others in your classes by helping and supporting them where you can. If you’re uncertain because everything’s new, may you trust that we are all here to help you feel part of this community so that we can all work together towards a great year.