Task Force: Energy Accounts 6-7 May 2010 Luxembourg Compilation of NAMEA tables: allocation issues Energy consumption in transformation transport commerce & services)
Transformation matrices - allocation IEA questionnaire: 22 sectors (OECD balances: 8 sect. - Eurostat balances: 9 sectors – CHP plants allocated) CHP plants (main producers - autoproducers) Heat plants (main Activity Producer – Autoproducers) Eurostat: public thermal p. stations – autoprod. th. power stations Allocation problems: Fuel input of CHP plants: NACE 40.1 – 40.3 or final energy of industry x (allocation has to be done before filling in the questionnaire!) Output of heating plants (autoproducers): “heat sold” Allocation of liquification plants: 11.1? Production of bio-fuels: 24.1 ? Blending of bio-fuels to motor gasoline Biogas plants
Collection of data on generation of electricity and fuel inputs – industry breakdown IEA – Eurostat – UNECE questionnaire:
Allocation of fuel input of CHPs to NACE industries CHP main activity CHP autoproducers 40.1 40.3 40.1 40.3 ind. X Electricity sold/own use Own use of heat Heat sold IEA-Qu: transform. input final cons. EUROSTAT ? EUROSTAT ?
Road-transport – fuel consumption SNAP: selected nomenclature for Air Pollution Corresponding CRF/NFR 1 A 3 b
Fuel consumption - compilation strategy (2) Allocation of total fuel consumption of vehicles to NAMEA sectors
Calculation of the energy consumption of the trade and service sector in physical units country-specific (energy consumption effected by temperature, specific use of certain energy sources (e.g. heating by heat oil or natural gas or LPG) significant differences by branches (energy-intensive branches like public swimming pools, data processing) influencing factors: size of the company / department (employees, office space, no. of students), equipment, Survey on energy consumption in trade, administration and the service sector Consumers Suppliers
Classification of branches in the German GHD energy survey
… a simple solution! Estimation of the energy consumption of the trade and service sector in physical units Energy statistics
Thank you very much for your attention! helmut.mayer@destatis.de