Tensions Build Part 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Tensions Build Part 1

Review Britain in debt because of the French and Indian War Britain wants colonists to pay for part of the war debt Colonists were angered by Britain’s plan to pay off war debt Proclamation Act of 1763

The Sugar Act New taxes on sugar, molasses, silk, wine, coffee, indigo, etc. Break English law w/ the Sugar Act Merchants accused of smuggling these goods from other countries were presumed guilty until proven innocent. British officials were allowed to seize goods without due process (proper court procedures). Prevented lawsuits by merchants whose goods had been improperly seized.

Colonists React Colonist merchants complained to Parliament… The act hurt trade and violated several traditional English rights such as innocent until proven guilty and due process. Colonists protested in form of pamphlets Parliament ignored the colonists protests. James Otis protest pamphlet “No taxation without representation.”

The Stamp Act Parliament passed the Stamp Act to raise money The act required stamps to be placed on most printed materials Newspapers, pamphlets, wills, deeds, licenses, diplomas, dice, and playing cards Parliament had previously imposed many taxes on trade but… The Stamp Act was the first direct tax Britain had ever placed on the colonists

Colonists React The Stamp Act Congress Representatives from nine colonies meet Issued the Declaration of Rights and Grievances Only the colonists’ political representatives had the right to tax them and not Parliament (No taxation without representation!) Sent a petition King George and Parliament asking for relief and to repeal the act The King and Parliament did nothing

Boycott British Goods! When the Stamp Act took effect the Colonists ignored it and began to boycott all British goods Thousands of workers in Britain lost their jobs B/c orders from the colonies were cancelled British merchants could not collect money the colonies owed them

Britain Gives In British lawmakers repealed the Stamp Act B/c of protests in both Britain and America But…to reaffirm British authority Parliament passed the Declaratory Act Asserted that Parliament had the power to make laws for the colonies Britain reserved the right to tax the colonies without colonial representation in Parliament.

The Quartering Act Forced the colonists to pay more for their own defense Colonists must provide barracks for British troops If the colonists did not provide barracks for the British soldiers… The troops then had the right to stay in taverns, inns, vacant buildings, and barns The colonists were expected to pay rent for the troops forced to stay in these places

The Townshend Acts A series of new laws that placed import taxes on glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea The British government wanted this money to pay for the salaries of governors and other British officers Legalized writs of assistance General search warrants for customs officers to enter any location to look for evidence of smuggling

Colonists React They protest peacefully! No taxation without representation! Organized a boycott of British goods Colonists b/g making their own cloth, paper, and paint Most colonists still had faith in British rule although it was beginning to weaken