C1 Overcoming Challenges
Practical challenges Skills and challenges C1 Enabling individuals to overcome challenges Different types of challenges faced by individuals with care and support needs, to include: awareness and knowledge, practical challenges, skills challenges, acceptance and belief challenges , motivational challenges, communication challenges People who have care and support needs face different types of challenges. Practical challenges Some people may need help with cooking or washing themselves. Awareness and Knowledge: Examples: People may not be aware of any funding that they can obtain to help them with their needs. The service provider may not be keeping up to date with government policies or polices within their establishment meaning that the service user will not get the care or support that they are entitle to. Skills and challenges Someone who is elderly and has mobility issues may wish to find out what help is available to them locally but cannot work a computer to find information online or perhaps cannot use a phone. ©Outstanding Resources 2017
C1 Enabling individuals to overcome challenges Different types of challenges faced by individuals with care and support needs, to include: awareness and knowledge, practical challenges, skills challenges, acceptance and belief challenges , motivational challenges, communication challenges Acceptance and belief Someone may have had an accident which has had an impact on their mobility. Perhaps they have lost a limb. They may find this hard to accept and they may feel like they have lost their independence. Motivation Someone may be very obese and find they don’t have the motivation to exercise or diet. Communication If someone is losing their sight or vision they may find it more challenging to communicate to other people. Taking each of the headings add other examples that you can think of. ©Outstanding Resources 2017
C1 Enabling individuals to overcome challenges Methods of identifying challenges, to include observation, focus groups, talking to individuals informally or via questionnaires. How would you know if someone was facing challenges? What would you do that could help you to identify this? Focus groups. A focus group is a small group of people. They discuss a particular issue, such as introducing new early intervention services. The group shares ideas and explores issues rather than reaching decisions. The information gathered is used to clarify situations and identify challenges. Health and social care services can then provide the services needed to meet these challenges https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLw0YXcseG0 Using Focus Groups in Research University of Derby Observation. Observations help you identify problems quickly. Observing and identifying patterns of behaviour, and any changes, may point to a developing problem that needs attention: for example, a change in the way a person walks, signs of abuse or negligence, or noticing any areas of care that could be improved, such as hand washing ©Outstanding Resources 2017
C1 Enabling individuals to overcome challenges Methods of identifying challenges, to include observation, focus groups, talking to individuals informally or via questionnaires. Using questionnaires. Questionnaires are sets of questions used to collect people’s opinions on certain topics. A well-designed questionnaire is useful because it can collect a lot of information from a large group of people much more quickly than other methods. Questionnaires are also relatively inexpensive to administer. What situations can you think of where you may have been asked to complete a questionnaire? Perhaps at you doctors or dentists. Why do you think that these can be useful for obtaining information.? Talking to individuals informally. Having a casual chat with an individual allows for them to feel comfortable and not feel under and pressure. The individual may give you more information is a relaxed atmosphere. ©Outstanding Resources 2017
C1 Enabling individuals to overcome challenges Strategies used to overcome challenges, to include educational information materials, training courses, opinion leaders, clinical audits, computer-aided advice systems, patient-mediated strategies. List the forms of educational informational material which are available to individuals. E.g. DVD Can you think of any educational information campaigns that you have seen? Leaflets Posters Games Slide presentations Wall displays CD-ROMs Flyers Web-based materials Magazines Newspapers TV Radio These educational information materials inform people about current thinking on how to live healthily and they give advice on how to overcome challenges. They help to raise awareness and knowledge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhuHeI4H00U Government release new hard-hitting anti-smoking advert Clips can be watched as examples of old campagins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e27s1jOiH3I Change4Life Sugar Smart Change4life ©Outstanding Resources 2017
C1 Enabling individuals to overcome challenges Strategies used to overcome challenges, to include educational information materials, training courses, opinion leaders, clinical audits, computer-aided advice systems, patient-mediated strategies. Training courses These are for carers and professionals. They allow people to understand certain conditions and the needs of the people with those conditions. They can help carers to learn how to care for a certain individuals needs, such as someone with dementia or autism. If you care for someone who is unable to move you can learn how to move them without injuring yourself. Organisations such as local councils and hospitals run these courses, and there are also courses available online, covering a wide range of challenges. Training courses are also used to educate service providers about the latest developments in their area of care Opinion leader Well-known individual or organisation Anyone who has an active voice in a community, who speaks out and is often asked for advice. Chief executives of bodies such as the NHS, Skills in Care or Care England They can use their influence to motivate health and social care service providers to achieve the best possible care for service users. Famous people can influence public opinions and make changes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=go_QOzc79Uc Teach every child about food | Jamie Oliver Watch the clip. Have a look online and see what other changes have been made due to Jamie's influence. ©Outstanding Resources 2017
C1 Enabling individuals to overcome challenges Strategies used to overcome challenges, to include educational information materials, training courses, opinion leaders, clinical audits, computer-aided advice systems, patient-mediated strategies. Computer-aided advice systems Online decision support systems that supply service providers with specific information, such as to pharmacists and doctors when they are prescribing medication. These systems provide prompts designed to reflect best practice and remind service providers to take or avoid a certain action. Watch the clip below. What is a Clinical audit and can you think of anymore examples? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAISfFPz29Q Clinical audit -- why and how? The young dentist Clinical audits A systematic review of care based on standards of best practice and explicit criteria. Based on the results, changes are then implemented, wherever necessary. Check that organisations are acting fairly without discrimination. Patient-mediated strategies Provide information via mass-media campaigns to service users and the wider public about the latest evidence-based practice. These strategies also educate and motivate service providers about changes in practice. ©Outstanding Resources 2017
C1 Enabling individuals to overcome challenges Role of policy frameworks in minimising challenges, including: NHS Patient Experience Framework, in particular understanding of the eight elements that are critical to the service users' experience of NHS services. Health Action Plans and how they are used to minimise challenges. Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF). Common Assessment Framework (CAF) https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/215159/dh_132788.pdf NHS Patient Experience Framework Read the information in the link. Explain each of the 8 elements. http://www.jpaget.nhs.uk/media/186362/health_action_plans.pdf NHS Health Action plan Using the information in the link, explain what a Health Action Plan is. And how they are used to minimise challenges. If you need more information just google NHS Health Action Plan and you will see a number of examples. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/adult-social-care-outcomes-framework-ascof-2015-to-2016 Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework How are these used to minimise challenges? https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/215159/dh_132788.pdf Will need to print off for students. NHS Framework http://www.project6.org.uk/information-advice/a-guide-to-the-common-assessment-framework-caf/ Common Assessment Framework http://greatermanchesterscb.proceduresonline.com/pdfs/caf_guidance_practitioners.pdf Working in small groups research and create a presentation, for the rest of the class, on one of the above. Make sure you include a short test on the information you have provided and a handout. ©Outstanding Resources 2017
C1 Enabling individuals to overcome challenges Impact of not enabling individuals to overcome challenges. If people are not helped in anyway to overcome the challenges and difficulties they face then this could have an impact on their health. Challenges people may face. In pairs pick three from this list: Awareness and Knowledge Practical challenges Skills and challenges Acceptance and belief Communication Motivation Strategies to overcome challenges. Pick one strategy to overcome the three challenges you picked. Explain how the strategy might help a person overcome those challenges. Educational information Training courses Opinion leaders Clinical audits Computer aided device systems Patient-mediated strategies Pick one of the policies you have studied and state which challenges the policy may help to overcome. ©Outstanding Resources 2017