A Fractional Order (Proportional and Derivative) Motion Controller Design for A Class of Second-order Systems Center for Self-Organizing Intelligent Systems (CSOIS), Dep. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA. Ying Luo
Outline Introduction Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design Integer Order PID Controller Design Fractional Order PD Controller Design Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design Implementation of Two Fractional Order Operators for Two Fractional Order Controllers Simulation Experiment Conclusion 2
Outline Introduction Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design Integer Order PID Controller Design Fractional Order PD Controller Design Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design Implementation of Two Fractional Order Operators for Two Fractional Order Controllers Simulation Experiment Conclusion 3
Introduction In this work, practical and systemic design methods of integer order PID (IO-PID) controller, fractional order proportional and derivative (FO-PD) controller and fractional order (proportional and derivative) controller for a typical second-order plant are proposed. The control performances with the proposed two fractional order controllers and the traditional IO-PID controller which are all properly designed are compared fairly through the simulation and experiment. The two fractional order controllers can achieve much better dynamic performance and robustness over the traditional IO-PID controller. Furthermore, the proposed fractional order (proportional and derivative) (FO-(PD)) controller performances even better then the FO-PD controller. 4
Introduction The major contributions of this work include: 1) Practical and systemic design procedures of IO-PID, FOPD and FO-(PD) controllers for a class of typical second order plants; 2) Simulation fair comparison of performances with the proposed two fractional order controllers and the traditional IO-PID controller; 3) Experiment verification of the proposed FO-(PD) controller on the real-time dynamometer position control system; 4) Demonstration of the advantage of the FO-(PD) controller performing the simulation and experimental comparisons with the traditional IO-PID controller and the FO-PD controller. 5
Outline Introduction Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design Integer Order PID Controller Design Fractional Order PD Controller Design Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design Implementation of Two Fractional Operators for Two Fractional Order Controllers Simulation Experiment 6
Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design 7
Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design 8
Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design 9
Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design 10
Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design 11
Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design 12
Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design 13
Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design 14
Outline Introduction Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design Integer Order PID Controller Design Fractional Order PD Controller Design Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design Implementation of Two Fractional Operators for Two Fractional Order Controllers Simulation Experiment Conclusion 15
Integer Order PID Controller Design 16
Integer Order PID Controller Design 17
Integer Order PID Controller Design 18
Integer Order PID Controller Design 19
Integer Order PID Controller Design 20
Integer Order PID Controller Design 21
Integer Order PID Controller Design 22
Integer Order PID Controller Design 23
Integer Order PID Controller Design 24
Integer Order PID Controller Design 25
Integer Order PID Controller Design 26
Integer Order PID Controller Design 27
Integer Order PID Controller Design 28
Integer Order PID Controller Design 29
Integer Order PID Controller Design 30
Outline Introduction Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design Integer Order PID Controller Design Fractional Order PD Controller Design Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design Implementation of Two Fractional Operators for Two Fractional Order Controllers Simulation Experiment Conclusion 31
Fractional Order PD Controller Design 32
Fractional Order PD Controller Design 33
Fractional Order PD Controller Design 34
Fractional Order PD Controller Design 35
Fractional Order PD Controller Design 36
Fractional Order PD Controller Design 37
Fractional Order PD Controller Design 38
Fractional Order PD Controller Design 39
Outline Introduction Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design Integer Order PID Controller Design Fractional Order PD Controller Design Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design Implementation of Two Fractional Operators for Two Fractional Order Controllers Simulation Experiment Conclusion 40
Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design 41
Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design 42
Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design 43
Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design 44
Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design 45
Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design 46
Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design 47
Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design 48
Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design 49
Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design 50
Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design 51
Outline Introduction Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design Integer Order PID Controller Design Fractional Order PD Controller Design Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design Implementation of Two Fractional Operators for Two Fractional Order Controllers Simulation Experiment Conclusion 52
Implementation of Two Fractional Operators 53
Implementation of Two Fractional Operators 54
Implementation of Two Fractional Operators 55
Implementation of Two Fractional Operators 56
Implementation of Two Fractional Operators 57
Implementation of Two Fractional Operators 58
Implementation of Two Fractional Operators 59
Implementation of Two Fractional Operators 60
Implementation of Two Fractional Operators 61
Outline Introduction Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design Integer Order PID Controller Design Fractional Order PD Controller Design Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design Implementation of Two Fractional Operators for Two Fractional Order Controllers Simulation Experiment Conclusion 62
Simulation 63
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Simulation 84
Outline Introduction Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design Integer Order PID Controller Design Fractional Order PD Controller Design Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design Implementation of Two Fractional Operators for Two Fractional Order Controllers Simulation Experiment Conclusion 85
Experiment 86
Experiment 87
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Experiment 91
Outline Introduction Typical second-order system concerned and the specifications for the three controllers design Integer Order PID Controller Design Fractional Order PD Controller Design Fractional Order (PD) Controller Design Implementation of Two Fractional Operators for Two Fractional Order Controllers Simulation Experiment Conclusion 92
Conclusion 93
Thanks for your attention ! 94