African Societies: Diversity & Similarities
Introduction The spread of Islam through much of the northern third of Africa resulted in more trade & commerce State-building all over Africa Mali Songhay Military power and dynastic alliances based on cultural unity City-states & Merchant communities similar to Italy
Stateless Societies Organized around kinship Lacking concentrated political power & authority Power exercised by rulers or a council of families No taxes Some secret societies Many thrived
Common Elements in African Societies Bantu Migration – some mutual languages A. Religion Animistic religion Belief in evil – produced witchcraft Cosmology Spirits & gods
B. Economics Varied from region to region Agriculture Trade Specialization Kinship groups sometimes controlled trade
The Arrival of Islam to N. Africa As part of the Roman & Greek Empires Christianity was main religion Muhammad’s followers swept across N. Africa spreading Islam Arab & Berber armies Spread stopped by Martel & the Franks
Almoravids & Almohadis– puritanical reformist Launched jihad Islam promoted equality of believers Social stratification continued Uniting of powers of the state & religion appealed to African kings
Christian Kingdoms: Nubia & Ethiopia Christianity first universal religion in Africa Copts – Egyptian Christians Allowed to keep faith by Muslims Spread to Nubia Axum Christians in Ethiopia King Lalibela Built Christian state