Using the Multiple Choice Template Copy this presentation to your hard drive. Open up slide sorter, copy slides #3, 4, and 5 each time you are going to construct a question. Follow the instruction on the Notes Page on Slide #3 to construct each question. Delete this slide (slide #1) after you are done. Save this file. Note: The slide for ‘Wrong Answer’ will not advance except when clicking – ‘Try Again’
Enter the text for the multiple choice question here Incorrect Answer 1 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer 2 Enter the text for the question. Put the text for incorrect answers in the boxes that are marked ‘incorrect‘. Put the correct answer in the box that is marked ‘correct’. Then select the correct answer text, right click, and set the ‘Action Setting’ for this object to go to the ‘correct answer’ of each question set. To select the correct slide drop down the menu bar marked hyperlink, click on slide, and then click on the slide you want to link it to. This is important. Otherwise, the exercise will not advance to the next question. You must hyperlink all the answers to the correct and incorrect answer slide. You must also place a hyperlink on slide 4 or the correct answer slide. Hyperlink, like you did above, the text that says ‘Next Question” and link it to the next question in your slide show. If you have more than 4 choices, you may add one or two more choices, or you may want to eliminate one ‘incorrect’ box if you have only three choices. After you enter the text for both question and answers, you may choose to ‘randomize’ your answer choices by moving the answers around to a different order. The answer choices are constructed as ‘button’ objects and can be moved. To move the choices, simply single click on the object, and drag your mouse to relocate the choice objects. Incorrect Answer 3
INCORRECT!!! Try Again
CORRECT Next Question