Motion IF an object is on a frictionless surface and has been pushed and then is released it will move with a constant velocity. The only force acting on the object would be the force of gravity. Motion diagrams show constant speed when the distance between successive objects is the same. If the distance between successive pictures of objects is the same, then the object is moving at a constant velocity and there is no acceleration
Free Fall If you throw an object into the air the only force acting on it after it leaves your hand is the force of gravity.
Freefall vs Projectile Two objects will always hit the ground at the same time if air resistance is neglected. Even if one object weighs a lot more than another object. Horizontal speed does not affect vertical speed. A bullet shot vs a bullet dropped hit the ground at the same time. Objects fall because of a (almost) constant force of gravity.
Projectile Plane dropping a package – the package follows a parabolic path with the same constant velocity in the x direction as the plane.
Forces If you are pushing someone in a chair and they are accelerating, the amount of force you push a person with is the same amount of force that they push back on you. If you are now pushing the person at a constant velocity, the amount of force you push a person with is the same amount of force that they push back on you. If an object is moving at a constant speed/velocity the forces on it are balanced or equal. Swift kick versus constant force
Collisions When two objects collide they both exert the SAME force on each other.
Circular Motion An object moves in a circle because there is a force towards the center of the circle. There is always a force of gravity acting on objects. When an object is on a flat surface and is going in a circular path it leaves in a straight line from that circular path.
Swinging If you are swinging there is no force in the direction of motion. You are moving in a circular path so the force would be towards the center of the circle. Of course, there is still a force due to gravity.