Working with Files Topics discussed Types of files Commands that use files Storage arrays that interact with files Naming a file File formats
Types of Files
Commands that use Files
Rules for File Names Long names allowed. More than 11 characters used by DOS “nnnnnnnn.eee” Names can include spaces, periods, e.g. “Pond Inflow.Pre.005hyd” Only 11 illegal characters, e.g. “ \ / : * ? < > |
Storage arrays that use Files
Hydrograph File Formats
The FileI_O Command
The FileI_O Command Select Read or Write Choose Rainfall hyetograph or flow hydrograph If file is to be created, enter the name here Pick drive from drop down list Select type of hyetograph or hydrograph If file exists (‘Read’) pick file from this list Navigate to folder where file is found or is to be created Define type of file or “All files”