By: Marisol Perez & Oscar Mendoza Mediterranean Region By: Marisol Perez & Oscar Mendoza
Rangeland Region: Located The Mediterranean region is centered in California. Specifically the West of California. Also small regions within Texas. Parts of Australia. Specifically the Southwestern coast. Northern Africa and Southern Europe. Mediterranean Region Sierra Nevada Mtns. Source #1
Oak Woodland and Savanna Weather Mesic, mild climates. Precipitation 20 to 31 inches each year. Soil type well-drained alluvial soils Main Plants Valley Oak, Blue Oak, Gray Pine, Manzanita, and Poppies. Source #3/#2
Annual Grasslands Weather Precipitation Soil types Mild wet winters and long dry summers Precipitation 30 or more inches near ocean 8 inches in the foothills Soil types Prairies soils ( mollisols) Desert soils (aridisols) Source #2
Oak Woodland and Savanna + Annual Grasslands
Rangeland Uses Truck Crops Mining Grazing Ranching Tomatoes, Almonds, Grapes, Strawberries, Apricots, and Asparagus Mining Extremely famous region during gold rush. Grazing Heavy grazing/overgrazing Ranching Beef cattle industry Source #2
Works Cited Source #1 Source #2 Source #3 Source #2 U.(n.d.). “Rangelands” (Vol. An Introduction To Wild Open Spaces). N/A. Retrieved from: (pages 8-9) Source #3