Order of Operation: Why words matter! There is order in everything we do! Order enables consistent results! This is true in math as in driving a car! Recognition of this order is the open door to working algebra/geometry. Can you identify what is the order in these equations?: = 8 8= What is the difference in the order of these equations?
Words paint a picture! Sum Difference Of Add In Is Equal The use of any one of these words defines a course of action or the result of an action! Example: sum only applies as the result of the completion of what math function? Addition!
Follow the order of operation within this sentence: add five to seven. Write these words as a math expression. Which of the following is the correct expression?
Explain why you choose your answer!
Turn this equation into a sentence following the order of operation – 4 = 8 Example: Seven added to five decreased by four equals eight. Following this order the above expression is correct.
Write an algebraic expression using the following sentence. Mary paid for her meal at the restaurant with a twenty dollar bill. She had $2.75 left. The drink cost $1.45. What was the cost of her food? X(Food) = – 2.75 – 1.45 = Food Both are correct! Which one is the best expression! Why?