Nasce and ERN Network of Accredited Skills Centres in Europe Ulrik Pedersen
Nasce meeting 24th of February 2017 Domus Medica Europea Brussels Not present
Dr. Ronald Marvik(NSALK) TronDheim, Norway The centre was presented especially concerning the Future Operating Theatre Project, where image guided procedures were highlighted
Presentations from accredited centres were conducted in a morning session
Professor Oscar Traynor, Ireland Presented on the opening of the new building for the National Surgical Training centre at RCSI, Dublin, with dedicated VR rooms and flexible wet labs.
Professor Anders Bergenfelz, Sweden, Chairman of NASCE In 2016 there has been an 5% increase in attendees for the international courses. An impressive list of multidisciplinary and inter-professional skills courses was shown
Professor Emin Aksoy, Turkey Center of Advanced Simulation and Education, Acibadem University, Istanbul 30.000 enjoyed 804 courses over the last 2 years. CASE is now an accredited Global Robot Course provider
Professor Torben Schröder, Copenhagen Report from the Clinical Skills Center in Copenhagen, Denmark Training centre for 7.000 medical undergraduates and graduates affiliated with University of Copenhagen. This translates to about 25.000 learner events in 1.930 courses.
Dr, isabel de haene, Ghent, Belgium Focused on team training and communication
Professor Teuvo Antikainen, Jyvaskala,Finland Presented their ongoing work with the region in Finland, using take home surgical boxes
Dr. Korneel Vandenbroucke,Belgium Plans for fourfold increase in facilty size in 2018 Expertise in robotic simulation in urology, cardiothoracic and general surgery.
Next scientific meeting LUND, Sweden 12-13, October, 2017
Shall our section play an active role in NASCE? Questions Shall our section play an active role in NASCE? If yes Who will replace Klaus Albegger in NASCE? Is Francis Marshall Prepared to continue?