Simon Milton – Professional Officer Requirements for registration for provisional psychologists undertaking the 4+2 and 5+1 internship programs Simon Milton – Professional Officer
Minimum qualification requirement APAC-accredited four year sequence of study Accredited three year sequence + accredited fourth year course BA + BA Hons BSc + BSc Hons Accredited four year sequence of study BPsych Bpsych (Honours) Check APAC website
5+1 pathway Accredited 5th year postgraduate course Graduate Diploma of Professional Psychology Master of Professional Psychology One year internship 1400 hours of psychological practice 560 hours direct client contact 80 hours of supervision 60 hours of professional development
5+1 pathway Four case reports Pass National Psychology Examination Pass two One assessment One internship Pass National Psychology Examination Remain provisionally registered throughout
National Psychology Exam Assess applied psychological knowledge and competencies Multiple choice (150 questions in 3.5 hours) Applied scenario – lead in question – 5 options Curriculum and reading list available on Board’s website To be taken by: Provisional psychologists undertaking the 4+2 internship Provisional psychologists undertaking the 5+1 internship Overseas qualified applicants Those not meeting the Recency of practice standard
4+2 pathway 3000 hours Pass National Psychology Examination 160 hours supervision 120 hours professional development 1000 hours direct client contact 1720 hours client-related activities Pass National Psychology Examination
4+2 pathway Case reports Complete eight case reports Four assessment Four intervention Submit and pass four case reports Two assessment Two intervention If provisionally registered pre- 1 June 2017 Complete six case reports – new format Submit and pass three case reports – at least one assessment and one intervention
4+2 pathway New requirements No limited work role Competent use of nine different assessment tests and instruments Portfolio of eight practice documents Three reports on ethical dilemmas One report on issues working with diverse groups of clients One report on practice across the lifespan
4+2 pathway Administration of psychological tests and instruments one adult test of intelligence one child test of intelligence one specialised test of memory two standardised personality tests, and four other tests or instruments selected from the exam curriculum.
Case reports Case reports demonstrate: applied practice and skills in psychological assessment, measurement and diagnosis applied practice & skills in formulation, intervention/prevention planning, delivery & evaluation compliance with relevant legal requirements and ethical aspects of psychological practice application of research and evaluation skills to psychological work with clients attainment of appropriate written communication skills ability to provide psychological services to a variety of clients
Case reports – General requirements demonstrate sufficient diversity in client groups, presenting problems and intervention methods demonstrate understanding of and adherence to ethical and professional standards demonstrate that the provisional psychologist operates within their competencies contain clear and succinct written expression, without significant grammatical or spelling mistakes, using psychological terminology correctly
Case reports – General requirements typed in prose format, using a professional standard of English language approximately 2,500 words long, (at least 2,000, no more than 2,750) be based entirely on the provisional psychologist’s own work written by the provisional psychologist with instructive feedback and guidance from the supervisor co-signed by the supervisor, and demonstrate that the provisional psychologist is developing the competencies to practise independently.
Assessment case reports (4+2) Background Reason for referral Presenting problem Relevant history Assessment Preliminary assessment of symptoms of risk Observations at interview Assessment findings
Assessment case reports (4+2) Analysis and diagnosis Formulation Discussion of evidence-based theories Diagnosis Recommendation Evaluation and reflection Reference list
Intervention case reports (4+2) Background Reason for referral Presenting problem Relevant history Assessment Preliminary assessment of symptoms of risk Observations at interview Assessment findings
Intervention case reports (4+2) Analysis and diagnosis Formulation Discussion of evidence-based theories Diagnosis Plan and implementation Intervention plan Implementation Evaluation and reflection Reference list
Critical errors English expression is so poor or spelling and grammatical errors are so frequent that evaluation is not possible and discussion does not use a prose writing style (for example, an overuse of dot-points, tables and incomplete sentences) the case report does not follow the Board’s format and/or is missing necessary information the case report has evidence of plagiarism, whether deliberate or unintentional
Critical errors where indicated, risk assessment and management is absent or poorly performed, potentially leaving clients at risk psychological tests and instruments are inappropriately selected, administered, interpreted or reported the intervention used is evidently contraindicated in the widely available literature the case report suggests unethical, harmful and/or illegal practice has occurred
Critical errors one or more sections of the case report fails to coherently integrate information to reach a logical conclusion that is essential in the assessment, diagnosis and/or treatment/intervention it is evident that there has been no appropriate modification in psychological practice in the context of working with diverse groups of people diagnostic terminology is incorrectly used and not consistent with a diagnostic system, and the self-reflection section does not demonstrate critical self-appraisal of professional practice as it relates to the handling of the case. Phone: 1300 419 495 Contact Phone: 1300 419 495