Event control 23.11.2018
This documentation and training is provided to you by beas group AG This documentation and training is provided to you by beas group AG. The documents are neither approved nor in any way acknowledged or endorsed by SAP. For SAP Business One, only the documentation and training officially released by SAP shall be binding upon SAP. SAP shall not be responsible for any content of this documentation and training and this documentation and training shall not be binding upon SAP in any way. The official current SAP Business One documentation and training for SAP Business One is available at http://service.sap.com/sbocustomer/documentation and http://service.sap.com/sbocustomer/training. 11/23/2018
Requirements for this Tutorial You will need a good grasp of: The basics of SAP The basics of beas, data structure 11/23/2018
Learning Targets After working through the lesson, you will be able to: Create and manage activities and events Use the be.as news system for monitoring your activities and business processes 23.11.2018
Agenda Event control 1: General 2:Work with event control 23.11.2018
Event control application flow Event Activity Event in SAP / be.as Further Information Decisions Release Events in SAP B1 or be.as trigger news or activities Activity: up to 3 different decisions can be made: eg. to release, see further information or simply for confirmation. It is also possible, to define automated actions at certain events: for example to block or manipulate a process Confirmation 23.11.2018
missing data registered data Event control General Event types Example Possible activities Scheduling ID missing Lead time missing missing data Changes in item master Goods receipt registered data Simple message in SAP B1 Activity in SAP B1 with decision function. BEAS-Activity with decision function. any action (eg. an employee is requested to test a sample) be.as provides a set of predefined events. The setup is faciliated by proposed interactions. Examples: - After a change in the item master: an other employee is informed about it and checks the changes. - Work order created: Message to production manager, who can release or block the job. - Delivery date has changed. Delivery date according to the order cannot be complied with: message to the sales department. - Work order is registered for the first time: Message to the sales department or customer via email - Email to customers upon delivery. - Message to production manager, when goods have arrived - Message to project manager, if a milestone has been reached or exceeded. - Message including activities when stock falls below An activity can also generate a further activity, thus any workflow can be represented. Anything can be defined freely, pretty much all requirements are met. 23.11.2018
Agenda Event control 1: General 2: Work with event control: Setup and examples 2.1: Event: due to item change 2.2: Event: minimum quantity not reached 2.3: Custom event 2.3: Management of different activities 23.11.2018
Work with event control Setup Example: Event due to an item change Called up through Administration - Events Setup procedure: Create new event Select the desired event eg. itemchange Details zur Maske: siehe Dokumentation 23.11.2018
Work with event control Setup Example: Event due to an item change 3. Message tab Setup delivery eg. standard = Activity in SAP B1 with decision Adjust title and message text. 4. For activity in SAP B1: choose business partner (required for creating an activity)
Work with event control Setup 5. To define action use Buttons 1 to 3 In this example: be.as item editing is called For a standard event the possible parameters are described on the box. Furthermore, the label of the buttons can be edited and whether, for example the activity should be closed when clicking on this button. 23.11.2018
Work with event control Setup 6. Enter recipients. 3 recipients are possible. Priority: 1. > 2. > 3. be.as checks, which one of the recipients is logged in and sends the message to him. be.as checks consecutively which of the recipients 1-3 is currently logged on and can receive the message. Only one of the registered recipients receives the activity (according to the priority). If none of the recipients is logged in, the activity is sent to of the first recipient. If several recipients should receive the message, the event must be registered several times. 23.11.2018
Work with event control Setup Result: The following activity is created at an item change
Agenda Event control 1: General 2: Work with event control: Setup and examples 2.1: Event: due to item change 2.2: Event: minimum quantity not reached 2.3: Custom event 2.3: Management of different activities 23.11.2018
Work with event control application Example: Minimum quantity not reached Setting in work sequence: Closing is blocked, if not the entire planned quantity is confirmed.
Work with event control application Confirmation with less quantity, click on „complete“ Event is created An error message is issued Confirmation is blocked Beas provides a default setting. Setup is carried out as in "Event Item change" 23.11.2018
Work with event control application An activity is created in the background eg. Message to production manager
Work with event control Application Production manager gets a message on shortage in quantity: Important information (work sequence, quantity confirmed etc, is initialized All further information can be transferred from the activity Now a desicion is possible: release the blockage and perform the confirmation. All kinds of activities are possible. Up to three different activities can be predefined. 23.11.2018
Agenda Event control 1: General 2: Work with event control: Setup and examples 2.1: Event: due to item change 2.2: Event: minimum quantity not reached 2.3: Custom event 2.3: Management of different activities 23.11.2018
Work with event control Application Custom Event any events (related to the business or to individual screens) can be defined in SAP environment and be.as extensions. To do so: in the corresponding event, insert the command “tools = CreateEvent". Example: Activity, when business partner data was changed Open Busines partners "EXTRA" / "customized extensions„ The appropriate event is "update“ or "windowevent update". As additional event a reference is transferred: C for Customer und <item.5.value> = business partner number. 23.11.2018
Work with event control Application Now this event is available. Deposit activity: For this purpose a further event is created Manual entry: in this case = "card code change". Because it is no standard event, there is no selection possible. 23.11.2018
Work with event control Application Extended Definition Without manual entry: create extended definition as XML-file and store it in the project folder For further information: see documentation. 23.11.2018
Work with event control Application Define news text 23.11.2018
Work with event control Application Define activities Example: open business partner screen. The parameter basestring contains the business partner number which is used here.. At the moment of the activity the business partner window is not opened, so it can not be referred to it. The parameters basestring, basenum1 ... 3 are available, which were transferred to the system at the time the activities were created. In this case, the parameter "basestring" is used, which contains the business partner number. 23.11.2018
Agenda Event control 1: General 2: Work with event control: Setup and examples 2.1: Event: due to item change 2.2: Event: minimum quantity not reached 2.3: Custom event 2.3: Management of different activities 23.11.2018
Work with event control Application Management of different activities SAP-Activity enables an unified management , the SAP news system is used. SAP system is not optimized for many activities, to edit an activity too much clicks are necessary. Be.as-news-window: Activities are listed and can be edited directly. A be.as message window is made available in parallel. There, the activities are presented in list form with a direct edit function included. This alows a much faster processing of the activities. When a pure beas activity is generated, the window will open automatically whenever a new be.as activity is available for the recipient. 23.11.2018
Summary You can now: Create and manage activities and events Use the be.as news system for monitoring your activities and business processes 23.11.2018
Thank you for your cooperation! 11/23/2018