What is truth?
Which of these statements is true? Waking sleepwalkers harms them. Human blood in veins is actually blue. Water induced wrinkles are caused by the skin absorbing water and swelling Hair and fingernails continue to grow after a person dies. Mental abilities are separated into the left and right cerebral hemispheres of the brain Food items cooked with wine or alcohol retain alcohol even after cooking. Vikings drank out of the skulls of vanquished enemies. George Washington had wooden teeth.
Truth Test #1: Correspondence theory of truth (the “Go and see” theory) Does the proposition line up with what we know through our SENSES. Does it correspond to a “fact/reality”? Truth depends on how things are in the world (not because an authority said it or you feel it to be, etc.) Requires us to rely on our senses and personal experience to be able to figure out if something is true. “empirical”—relying on sensory information and experience for knowledge Truth is ABSOLUTE and OBJECTIVE.
Truth test #2: Coherence theory (The “sensical” theory) The coherence theory of truth relies on the proposition fitting in with what we already know to make sense. Relies on REASON Based on other information to determine if something is true. Demands us to use information not acquired through personal experience to logically reach an answer. “Rationalism”—the school of thought which believes that reason alone is capable of leading us to the truth
Truth test #3: Pragmatic Theory (“The does it work?” Theory) If it is useful and works in practice it is true Down to earth and “practical/pragmatic”—all that is required to see if something is true is to put it to work. “relative”-considered in relation or proportion to something else; varying according to circumstance or position/proximity to something else
Let’s look more closely…. Your goal is to demonstrate your understanding the usefulness of one of the given tests. Each group has been assigned one of the tests. Carefully consider its applicability in the real world. What limitations does your test have? Under what circumstances might it not work? Read the specific “Criticisms” pages you were given to help facilitate discussion. Create a skit to illustrate the test’s effectiveness. In your skit, you should Present at least one instance in which the test WORKS (what are the strengths of the theory?) Present at least one instance which demonstrates how the test is flawed in some way. Be creative! Your examples must be original! (Don’t just use one presented in your given text.) You will only have today and 15 minutes tomorrow to plan. Skits should be about 5 minutes or so.