Order 2000 and PJM: A Natural Match Craig Glazer Manager of Regulatory Affairs PJM Interconnection, LLC
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match ã First ISO to enter service ã Effective stakeholder process ã Membership support from all stakeholder groups ã Currently operating efficient and robust competitive markets
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match ã FERC-approved congestion management mechanisms that rely on market forces ã PJM playing key role in implementing retail competition in all PJM states
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match Independence ã Independent Governance and Board Right to Amend PJM Tariff to promote competitive markets and reliability
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match Scope and Configuration ã 180 Members ã Market Transactions with a Value of $1.8 B ã 120 Million MWHR of Scheduled Energy Transactions ã 8,000 Miles of Transmission Lines, 8.7% of US Population and the Largest Energy Market in North America
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match Scope and Configuration ã Active committees addressing SEAMS issues with NY and New England -- ã Progress can be tracked at
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match ã Operational authority ã Short-term reliability ã Planning and expansion ã Market monitoring ã Open architecture: ã No structural impediments ã The next step: PJM West
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match Transmission Enhancement and Innovative Rates Component ã Reaffirmation of T.O.s commitment to build ã Commitment to undertake economic enhancement projects ã Rate Package: ã Rate Moratorium ã Cost Recovery Deferral of New Projects ã Accelerated Depreciation of New Investments ã Risk Adjusted ROE for New Transmission Investments
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match Rate Package ã Rate Moratorium Until 12/31/04 ã Deferral of Capital Costs ã Accelerated Depreciation of New Investments ã Risk-Adjusted ROE ã Continuation of Zonal Pricing ã Development of Performance Measures
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match Rate Plan Checks and Balances ã PJM RTEP process provides an open, stakeholder process for review of need for transmission projects.
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match The Next Step ã PJM West -- a template for development of a uniform market over a larger region ã An open architecture plan for evolution of ownership structures ã SEAMS issues addressed through a single market across a wider region: Uniform Rules and Tariff while maintaining Zonal Prices and adjusting for special Regional Needs
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match ã Inter-RTO SEAMS Coordination ã MOU among New York, New England, PJM and Ontario
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match ã Inter-RTO SEAMS Coordination ã Operations Working Group ã Coordinate Documentation and Terminology ã Create Graphic Displays of Emergency Procedures and Coordinate Timelines for Accepting and Implementing Transactions
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match ã Inter-RTO SEAMS Coordination ã Planning Working Group ã Establish Protocols for Coordinated Planning Activities ã Facilitate Performance and Review of Joint Planning Studies ã Review Analyses of Adequacy and Reliability among the Three ISOs
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match ã Inter-RTO SEAMS Coordination ã Business Practices Working Group ã Identifying and Reviewing Existing and Planned Market Rules for Impacts on all Three ISOs. ã Recommending Appropriate Regulatory Filings
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match ã Inter-RTO SEAMS Coordination ã Information Technology Working Group ã Finding New Technology Solutions to Common Interface Issues
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match ã Inter-RTO SEAMS Coordination ã The Bigger Challenge: Different Markets with Different Rules of the Road ã Software Solutions? ã Uniform Market Rules Solutions? ã Single Market Solutions?
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match ã PJM West: The Single Market Concept ã One Market ã One Tariff ã One OASIS ã One Congestion Management System
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match ã PJM West: Allowance for Regional Differences ã Multiple Control Areas ã Different Reliability Councils ã Alternatives to RAA to Meet NERC 1 Day in 10 Years Standard
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match ã PJM West: Maintenance of Key Market Functions In RTO ã Power Market Administration ã Congestion Management ã Market Monitoring
PJM and Order 2000: A Natural Match ã PJM West: Maintenance of Key Market Functions In RTO ã Physical, operational and functional control of facilities ã Financial responsibility for assuring firmness of services sold