Objectives Goal 1: Students will operate mobile stargazing application in alignment with actual sky Student Learning Outcome : Orientate the actual sky with stargazing application correctly Goal 2: Students will operate the stargazing application to preview special sky phenomena Student Learning Outcome : Demonstrate special sky phenomena by stargazing application in advance of the actual event correctly.
Stellarium Mobile Live Demonstration
Stellarium Mobile Operation Video Video link : https://youtu.be/kF7yWR-GsuE
5 Special Sky Phenomena for Practice Total Solar Eclipse at Tanzania September 1st, 2016 Partial Lunar Eclipse at Hong Kong 7th August, 2017 Mercury Greatest Eastern Elongation 17th August, 2016 Mars Opposition 22nd May, 2016 Saturn Opposition 3rd June, 2016
Summative assessment Learners need to operate stargazing application with alignment of actual night sky. Demonstrate three different special sky phenomena in the Stellarium application
Risk Analysis Learners should prepare spare batteries for their smart phone as the Stellarium application uses up batteries quite fast Learners are encouraged to obtain the longitude and latitude of the observation location in advance as GPS function in the Stellarium may not function very well.
Let’s go outdoors to practice now !!!
References Almanac 2016 (2016). Hong Kong Observatory. Retrieved from http://www.hko.gov.hk/gts/astron2016/almanac2016_index_e.htm Almanac 2017 (2016). Hong Kong Observatory. Retrieved from http://www.hko.gov.hk/gts/astron2017/almanac2017_index_e.htm Education Bureau (2014). Science Education Key Learning Area: Physics Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4 -6). Retrieved from http://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/en/curriculum- development/kla/science-edu/Phy_C&A_Guide_updated_e.pdf Stellarium Mobile [Mobile Application].(2014). Retrieved from http://noctua- software.com/stellarium-mobile Stellarium Mobile v1.1 (2012). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kF7yWR-GsuE