California's Accountability System April 2018 Slides:
Turn and Talk What do you know about California’s new accountability system?
Learning Goals Understand the basics of California’s new accountability system Learn how to access accountability reports and related resources Understand how to interpret the information on the reports
Background: LCFF and LCAP
LCFF and LCAP History The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) was passed by the Legislature and signed by Governor Brown in 2013 LCFF significantly changed how California provides resources to public schools and charters Holds Local Education Agencies (LEAs) accountable for improving student performance, with a focus on equity and transparency LEA = Districts, charters, county offices of education
LCFF and LCAP History (continued) Under the LCFF: All districts, charters and county offices of education are required to prepare a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) The LCAP: Describes how the LEAs intend to meet annual goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities
Local Control Funding Formula Local Control and Accountability Plan The Through Line Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) CA’s New Accountability System
Accountability is the glue that ties Why Accountability? Accountability is the glue that ties COMMITMENT to RESULTS The purpose of California's new accountability system is to report on district and school performance based on the state priorities. The state priorities define a quality education more broadly than a single test score. The new system reflects a clear expectation that all districts and schools can and should improve. The new system focuses on closing the performance differences among student groups.
Why Accountability? Report on district and school performance Multiple measures Clear expectation for improvement Closing performance differences The purpose of California's new accountability system is to report on district and school performance based on the state priorities. The state priorities define a quality education more broadly than a single test score. The new system reflects a clear expectation that all districts and schools can and should improve. The new system focuses on closing the performance differences among student groups.
New Era of Accountability Under LCFF the State Board of Education (SBE) is required to develop an accountability tool, the evaluation rubrics, that: Includes state and local indicators for all LCFF State Priorities Is displayed on a public Web-based interface (California School Dashboard) Assists LEAs in identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement Specifies a process for using the performance standards to identify LEAs in need of additional assistance or intervention, which are defined in statute
Two Big Goals Support local decision making and facilitate continuous improvement Keep students on track for college, career and life
Definitions California School Dashboard - Web-based display reflecting performance data from the evaluation rubrics for LEAs and the public LCFF Evaluation Rubrics - A new accountability tool required by LCFF that includes a set of state and local indicators, each with criteria and cut-points. to assist districts in identifying areas in need of additional support. Indicator - Provides evidence whether certain results have or have not been achieved. State Indicators are those where the data is loaded into the dashboard by CDE Local Indicators are those where the determination is uploaded to the dashboard by the district.
California State Priorities (1-4) Priority 1 Basic Services Teacher assignment, instructional materials, facilities Priority 2 State Standards Implementation of academic content and performance standards Priority 3 Parental Involvement Efforts to seek parent input in decision making Priority 4 Pupil Achievement Performance on standardized tests
California State Priorities (5-8) Priority 5 Pupil Engagement School attendance, chronic absenteeism Priority 6 School Climate Suspension rates, expulsion rates Priority 7 Course Access Enrollment in a broad course of study Priority 8 Other Pupil Outcomes Outcomes in subject areas
California State Priorities (9-10*) *County Offices of Education have two additional State Priority areas: Priority 9 Expelled Pupils Coordination of instruction of expelled pupils Priority 10 Foster Youth Coordination of services including child welfare agency
State Priorities How does the focus of your work intersect with the priority areas? Which of the State Priorities do you feel you have the most influence and impact over?
State Indicators The California School Dashboard reports performance for the following state indicators: English Learner Progress (Priority 4) Academics: ELA and Mathematics (Priority 4) Chronic Absence (Priority 5) Graduation Rate (Priority 5) Suspension Rate (Priority 6) College and Career (Priority 7 & 8) English Learner Progress (Priority 4 Student Achievement) Academics: ELA and mathematics (Priority 4 Student Achievement) Chronic Absence (Priority 5 Student Engagement) Graduation Rate (Priority 5 Student Engagement) Suspension Rate (Priority 6 School Climate) College and Career (Priority 7 Access to a broad course of student & 8 Outcomes in a broad course of study)
Local Indicators The California School Dashboard will report performance for the following local indicators: Appropriately Assigned Teachers, Access to curriculum- aligned Materials, and Safe, Clean and Functional School Facilities (Priority 1) Implementation of State Academic Standards (Priority 2) Parent Engagement (Priority 3) School Climate (Priority 6) Appropriately Assigned Teachers, Access to curriculum-aligned Materials, and Safe, Clean and Functional School Facilities (Priority 1 Basic Services and Conditions at schools) Implementation of State Academic Standards (Priority 2 implementation of state standards) Parent Engagement (Priority 3) School Climate (Priority 6)
Fall 2017 Which Indicators Are Included This Year? Status and Change (Performance Level Color) Suspension Rate English Learner Progress Graduation Rate English Language Arts Mathematics Status Only (No Performance Level Color) College/Career Chronic Absenteeism (Linked to DataQuest)
College Career Indicator (CCI) The College/Career Indicator (CCI) model contains both college and career measures, including: Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathway completion Grade 11 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments in English language arts (ELA) and Mathematics Advanced Placement (AP) Exams International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams Dual Enrollment a-g Completion The CCI measures the percentage of students in the four-year graduation cohort who are "Prepared", "Approaching Prepared", and "Not Prepared" for postsecondary education Link to CCI info:
Dashboard Performance Levels For the State Indicators, performance is represented by the following symbols: The performance levels are based on a districts current “status” and the “change” ‘from the prior year
Performance Level Determination
Navigating the CA School Dashboard
Dashboard: Equity Report 1 2
Dashboard: List of Schools Link
Dashboard: List of Schools Report District 1 2
Dashboard: Status & Change Report
Dashboard: Student Group Report 1 2
5 x 5 Placement Reports
Which Year's Data is Used for Status? Suspension Rate 2016–17 Suspension Rate English Learner Progress 2016–17 CELDT + 2015–16 RFEP + 2016–17 LTEL Graduation Rate 2015–16 four-year cohort Graduation Rate (Class of 2016) English Language Arts Spring 2017 SBAC Summative Assessments (Grades 3-8) Mathematics College/Career Graduates in the 2015–16 Four-year graduation cohort (Class of 2016) Chronic Absenteeism 2016-17 CALPADS End of Year 3 (EOY 3) Data Note: Because these data are now more current, the Status used for Spring 2017 was not the status used for all indicators to calculate the growth for the Fall 2017 dashboard. Also, the inclusion of LTEL in the ELPI affected the status used to compute growth for Fall 2017. Resource: CDE CA School Dashboard Technical Guide Pages 11-12
CA School Dashboard: DASS Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) Schools in the DASS are not included in the Fall 2017 dashboard Schools in the DASS are also not included in their LEA’s Dashboard results
Student Group “N-Size” Student groups with an n-size of: 30 or more students at the LEA and school level will receive a performance level (color) 11 to 29 students will show status and change, but no performance level (color) Foster Youth and Homeless student groups with an n-size of: 15 students or more at the LEA will receive a performance level (color) 30 students or more at the school or charter level will receive a performance level (color)
CA School Dashboard: Small Student Populations New methodology, called “Safety Net” will be applied to schools and LEAs with small student populations for two state indicators: Graduation Rate: When the number of students in the cohort is less than 150 Suspension Rate: When the number of students cumulatively enrolled is less than 150 Safety Net methodology removes the “Increased Significantly” and “Declined Significantly” Change levels from the performance levels determinations.
CA School Dashboard: Technical Assistance LEAs have been identified for technical assistance for the first time in Fall 2017, based on student group performance in each of the three following priority areas: Priority 4: Pupil Achievement ELA, Math, English Learner Progress Priority 5: Pupil Engagement Graduation Rate, Chronic Absence Priority 6: School Climate Suspension Rate Local Performance Indicator
Resources CDE Dashboard Webpage: CDE CA School Dashboard Video (4 minute overview) Getting to Know the CA School Dashboard (PDF) Dashboard Technical Guide: