Community Counts Family Events 2018 Festival Calendar Link: June 2018 Please join us for all the fun at our next Spirit Night fundraising night at Chick-Fil-A, Meyerland, on Monday, June 18 from 5 – 8pm. Make sure to mention that you are part of the Grace Episcopal School Spirit night for the school to receive a percentage of your purchase. Please tell your extended family members to join us as well and make sure they tell the cashier they are from Grace Episcopal! Twenty percent of the sales during that three hour time period will be donated to our school. This is a terrific opportunity for you to mingle and socialize with other Grace families and for your children to play together in the CFA play area. UPCOMING EVENTS Chick-fil-a Spirit Night Monday, June 18th Ice Cream Social Thursday, June 28th 4th of July Trike-A-thon Tuesday, July 3rd Independence Day School Closed Wednesday, July 4th Community Counts Family Events 2018 Festival Calendar Link: BIRTHDAYS Adalynn M. 6/16 Oliver M. 6/17 Samara V. 6/18 Summer Z. 6/22 Ms. La’Carmen 6/29 DID YOU KNOW… The Month of June is Candy Month Dairy Month National Accordion Awareness Month Best Friends Day 8th Iced Tea Day 10th Flag Day 14th Smile Power Day 15th Juneteenth 19th Hug Holiday 29th You scream...We scream…We all scream for ice cream e What says Summer more than ice cream sundaes? Cool creamy ice cream, delicious gooey sauces, and yummy toppings… the perfect combination for messy ice cream faces and lots of happy children and parents! Our Ice Cream Social make your own sundae evening will be Thursday, June 28th in Parish Hall at 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. What could be more fun than ice cream as your dinner appetizer that night? If you have not had the chance to conference with your child’s new teachers, this would be a great opportunity to talk with them. They would be happy to answer any questions you may have. We are delighted to let you know that Grace is participating in the TRIKE-A-THON to benefit ST. JUDE CHILDREN’S RESEARCH HOSPITAL on July 3rd, 2018. During the days preceding this important event teachers will be focusing on bike safety with the children through books, videos, coloring and crafts. The TRIKE-A- THON will be fun for the children while simultaneously benefitting an extraordinarily worthy cause. Our kiddos will need to bring the bikes, trikes, scooters, push toys, etc. Our babies will be riding in the decorated buggy and cribs. and More detailed information on the day’s activities will be coming shortly. You already know, of course, that St. Jude charges no fees of any kind to the families who seek their care…not for medical care, food, travel, housing or food and they heavily rely on donations. The care they give to children who are desperately ill is so vital. Please give what you can and encourage your family, friends, neighbors, co- workers and everyone you know to donate as well. Go to so you may set up a fundraising page for your child (children) to help us raise funds for this very essential cause. Please use Twitter, Facebook or whatever social media medium you use to ask people to sponsor your child and donate in your child’s name or Grace Episcopal School for our Trike-A-Thon. Additionally, we will be providing Sponsor Form Envelopes and forms for you to submit all your offline donations to the office. Please go to or call 1.800.626.2453 if you would like more information about what St. Jude does or about the Trike-A-Thons. We at Grace appreciate your participation in this worthy event. As St. Jude so eloquently states, “families never receive a bill for anything from St. Jude. All they should have to worry about is “helping their child live.”