TITLE OF RESEARCH STUDY Presenter Name1, Associates2 and Collaborators3 Affiliation and Collaborating Affiliations INTRODUCTION METHODS TEXT: Be sure to spell check all text and have trusted colleagues proofread the poster. In general, authors should: Use the active tense. Simplify text by using bullet points. Use colored graphs and charts; consider using UMMC colors when appropriate. Use bold to provide emphasis; avoid underlining. Avoid long numerical tables. Avoid using multiple fonts or type faces. To add Bullets or Numbering: Highlight and right click the selected text to open a drop-down menu to select from. To add symbols such as ©, ℗, №, Greek letters (∑, Ω, π, β), etc.: Select text, click on INSERT > SYMBOL > SELECT SYMBOL > INSERT. To Superscript or Subscript: Select text, click on HOME > FONT, click arrow box in lower right corner > drop-down box opens, check appropriate box under EFFECTS. This editable template is proportional to a display area of 8’ x 4’. It is in a common poster size (56” x 28”) and orientation (landscape). GETTING STARTED: Start your presentation project by selecting a template that best fits both the conference display requirements and the study’s content needs. When you complete your presentation, submit the art file and Work Order – Specialty Printing form by email to printingorders@umc.edu. To reach the Department of Printing’s website go to the UMMC Intranet, choose the Administration tab, and click “Printing Department.” The template menu tab is located here. WRITING STYLE: The writing style for scientific posters should match the guidelines for the university. Seek general guidance with academic titles, names of departments, the correct way to refer to the campus, etc. Always check with the conference organizers for any specific requirements regarding writing style. COPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY GUIDELINES: In today’s world, just about everything is copyrighted, whether it carries the copyright symbol © or not. Moreover, under today’s law, materials are protected by copyright as soon as they are completed. Check with your school to better familiarize yourself with copyright and intellectual property guidelines. CONTENT: Respect your audience. As a general rule, less is more. Authors should re-write their paper so that it is suitable for the brevity of the poster format. Use a generous amount of white space to separate elements and avoid data overkill. Refer to websites or other sources to provide a more in-depth understanding of the research being presented. CONCLUSION The Department of Printing can help you set up and print your research presentation poster. For more information on ordering and specific pricing information, contact us by phone at 601-984-1295 or send an e-mail to printingorders@umc.edu. PLACING AN ORDER: Download the Work Order – Specialty Printing form. Complete the form in Adobe Reader or Acrobat. Save the form with a new file name. Attach and email the form and print file to printingorders@umc.edu. Plan ahead; allow at least five business days for Printing to complete the order. This template was created with scientific researchers in mind. We encourage any comments or suggestions so that we can continue to update and improve our template offerings. Request an estimate by downloading and completing the Estimate/Quote Sheet and emailing the sheet to printingestimates@umc.edu. FIGURE LEGENDS: LABELING ILLUSTRATIONS AIM CONTACT HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE: Highlight this text and replace it with new text from a Microsoft Word document or other text-editing program. The text size for body copy and headings and the typeface are set for you, but is editable. The text boxes and photo boxes may be resized, eliminated, or added as necessary. Logo placement boxes are provided and include current UMMC logos; these can be edited if a collaborator’s logo or other logo is preferred. Again, review the various templates available and choose the one that best fits both the conference display requirements and the study’s content needs. The Department of Printing can produce printed materials for all your personal and departmental needs. Located in the basement level of the David S. Pankratz Building in room N036, the Department of Printing staff is looking forward to working with you. Visit umc.edu/printing for more information. CONTACT: Department of Printing: 601-984-1295 Jon Hunter: 601-815-5220 Jonathan Bates: 601-984-1254 1 2 Consider the type attributes of figure legends to aid in distinguishing it from other content. Use alignment and type tools to flush, center, or justify type. IMAGES: Whenever possible, images should be 300 dpi to ensure the best print quality. Avoid using small-scale low-resolution images pulled from the web. It is preferred to import tif or jpg images into PowerPoint. Acknowledgements, Funding and Sponsorships