Summer Programs 2016 Class Maintenance June 2016
Navigate to the Student menu and select Summer Programs > Summer Class Maintenance to create the various Class Sections for ESY and ELO Summer Programs and Courses. First, select the Summer Program
ELO ESY Next, select the Course associated with the selected Summer Program
Add a new section by filling out the required fields in the Section Details area for the selected Summer Program and Course. Each Section must have: 2-character Section Number Capacity (Maximum Class Size) Summer Program Start Date Summer Program End Date Also include the Teacher (if this information is known at the time the Section is created) Use the Choose link to assign a Room
Once the Section Details are complete, use the Add button to save the Section
The saved Section will appear in the Section List Use the Edit link to add or change the details on an existing section. Use the Delete link to delete a section. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO EDIT OR DELETE SECTION NN. All new students enrolled in a particular Summer Program and Course are placed into section NN where they remain until given their actual class section assignment.
Navigate to the Student menu and select Summer Programs > Summer Class List Update to manage the student rosters for existing sections First select the Summer Program, then select the Course
To identify enrolled students that require a first-time Summer Program class assignment, select Section: NN
Use the options in the Student List section to transfer the student to a new section Select a Section Update the Effective Action Start Date, if applicable Set to the first day of the Summer Program when editing class lists prior to the Summer Program Start Date Use the current calendar date if transferring students after the Summer Program is in session Choose Student Name(s) by selecting checkboxes for individual students or use the Check/Uncheck All to select all available students in the list
Once the Date, Section and Student(s) are selected, use the Transfer link to move the students into the selected section.
Select the new Section from the Summer Program menu list to verify that the transfer was successful.
To remove student(s) from a Section, select the student(s) and use the Drop link
Select OK to confirm that the selected student(s) should be dropped Select Cancel to leave the selected student(s) in the section
Students that are dropped from a Section can be found by selecting Section: Unassigned for their assigned Program and Course Use the Transfer link to assign dropped students to an existing section
To access the Summer Class List Report, navigate to Reports > Summer Reports
Select the parameters for the Summer Course section(s) details to be reviewed and use Print to generate the report
Sample Report Output