European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Assessing the public health challenge posed by Hepatitis B and C in the EU Information for members of the ENVI Committee 24 May 2011
Epidemiology of hepatitis B Decreasing trend of hepatitis B in EU/EEA countries Interpretation is hampered: Incomplete reporting Large heterogeneity in reporting systems geographical coverage mix of acute and chronic cases use of different case definitions Source: Annual Epidemiological Reports 2007-2010, ECDC, Stockholm
Hepatitis B prevalence in the general population
Epidemiology of hepatitis C Increasing trend of hepatitis C in EU/EEA countries Interpretation is hampered: Reflects testing and screening practices Large heterogeneity in reporting systems geographical coverage mix of acute and chronic cases use of different case definitions So when we look at this graph of the number of new cases of Hepatitis C being reported per 100,000 populations, please bear in mind these limitations on the data. At least some of the increase could be due to more active testing and screening policies in some Member States. Source: Annual Epidemiological Reports 2007-2010, ECDC, Stockholm
Hepatitis C prevalence in the general population
Mortality related to HBV and HCV Hepatocellular mortality ranges from; 0.68 per 100,000 men in Sweden and 8.03 in Bulgaria Note: Data for Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland and Switzerland did not distinguish between HCC and other liver cancers Source: Boseti, 2008; La Vecchia, 2000
Acute hepatitis B notification rates per 100 000 population, 1995–2004 in selected EU countries Source: Annual Epidemiological Report on Communicable Diseases in Europe, ECDC, Stockholm 2009
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