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10.1 Basic Structure and function of the NS Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 3 Topic: 10.1 Basic Structure and function of the NS Essential Question: What is the difference between neurons and neuroglial cells? 10.1 Basic Structure and function of the NS 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules What is the difference between neurons and neuroglial cells? Number your notebook pages 1-80
Human Body for Students: The Nervous System Video Notes Pg. 2 Sensory Integrative Motor Human Body for Students: The Nervous System Video Notes 15-20 bullets
The Nervous System 1m47
Chapter 10 Nervous System I The nervous system is composed predominantly of neural tissue Also has… Blood vessels Connective tissue
Neural tissue consists of two cell types: 1. Nerve cells/neurons: Specialized to react to physical and chemical changes in their surroundings
Surround and support neurons Nourish neurons 2. Neuroglial cells Surround and support neurons Nourish neurons Possibly play a role in sending and receiving messages Cell body
Divisions of the Nervous System Brain Central Nervous System brain spinal cord Spinal Cord
Peripheral Nervous System nerves cranial nerves spinal nerves
Divisions of the Nervous System Video (4m38s)
Functions of the Nervous System 3 major functions: Sensory Integrative Motor
Sensory receptors: Gather information by detecting changes inside and outside of the body Light & Sound Intensities Inside: Temperature Oxygen Levels pH Levels Draw on Pg. 2
Integrative: Convert information from sensory receptors into nerve impulses and send them to the CNS The signals are brought together creating sensations, adding to memory, and producing thoughts Draw on Pg. 2
Effectors: are on the outside of the nervous system Motor Functions: Neurons that carry impulses from the CNS to responsive structures called effectors Effectors: are on the outside of the nervous system Include muscles which contract Glands which secrete chemicals Draw on Pg. 2
Motor portion of PNS can be divided into two parts: Somatic nervous system: Oversees conscious activities Ex: skeletal muscle contraction 2. Autonomic nervous system: Controls involuntary actions Ex: heartbeat and glands conscious Involuntary or unconscious
In a nutshell…. The nervous system can: Detect changes in the body Make decisions based on the info received Stimulate muscles and/or glands to respond Counteract changes to maintain homeostasis
Human Body for Students: The Nervous System P. 2 Human Body for Students: The Nervous System 15-20 bullets