Welcome to Advanced Life Science
A Little bit About Me
Science this year
CBF Canoe Trips
Flipped Classroom What does it mean to have a flipped classroom? The traditional way that school is done with whole group instruction during the day and practice at night, will be reversed. This will provide us with more opportunities for me to support your learning through extra help, investigations, and extensions. What does this look like at home? Your homework will be in the form of recorded lessons. My goal is to keep the videos no longer than 15 minutes. This way you can re-watch them as many times as you need. If you have questions, as you follow along, make note of them to go over in class. What does this look like at school? We will start most days by clarifying any questions that you may have. We will then build on your new skills through applications and practice allowing us to dig deeper into the material.
Keys for Success Website Student Planner https://brickelllifescience.weebly.com Student Planner Mindmaps allow you to make connections between big concepts and knowing the details. Communication is key erhelke@vbschools.com
Plant a pot Procedure: Each student, collect a Dixie cup for planting. Label the cup with your initials and block using a permanent marker. Fill the planting cup with a type of medium (soil, sand, compost) up to about 1 cm from the top. Plant 2 seeds about 2 cm deep. Spread the seeds in the available area so there is space between the seeds. Place your cups under the grow light on the counter. Water the soil with 15 mL so that it is not too moist and not too dry.