Tuesday 4/4/17 Notebook Entry: How is reading a webpage different than reading pages in a textbook? What strategies should you use when reading a webpage.
Engage What is a vital sign? Something observable and measurable to give evidence about the health of a person. Examples?
Think-Pair-Share “What is a vital sign for Earth’s climate health?” Explore Think-Pair-Share “What is a vital sign for Earth’s climate health?”
Explore What is a vital sign? “Similar to a doctor who checks a patient's vital signs - pulse, heartbeat, temperature, and so on - scientists regularly check Earth's vital signs, which informs us about the health of our planet: global temperature, atmospheric CO2, Arctic sea ice, land ice, and sea level.” NASA’s Climate Change Web Page, Introduction to Earth’s Dynamically Changing Climate; http://climate.nasa.gov/education/pbs_modules/lesson1Engage
What are the 9 pieces of evidence that scientists monitor to track changes in climate? Sea Level Rise Global Temperatures Warming Oceans – surface temperature Shrinking Ice Sheets Declining Arctic Sea Ice Glacial Retreat Extreme Weather Events Ocean Acidification Decreased Snow Cover
Explain You will now complete your capture sheet to learn more about Earth’s climate health. Divide students into groups. Assign their topics. Have them begin their work.