Substitution Substitution – “Tech acts as a direct tool substitute, with no functional change” Substitution of technology should serve the learning target and the standards these targets reflect, Technology substitution should assist in student engagement and productivity allowing more time to be involved in curricular expectations?
Augmentation Augmentation – “Tech acts as a direct substitute tool, with functional improvement” Use of technology should add to the learning experience and curricular expectations? Overall learning should be improved because of the technology integration? Help student be more engaged and producing higher quality work that promotes the standards?
Modification Modification – “Tech allows for significant task redesign” It should allow for some project redesign that enhances the project while still accomplishing the learning objectives? It should allow a lesson to advance to the new level?. It should help for increased productivity? This technological opportunity should help increased student voice and choice in the activity?
Redefinition Redefinition – Tech allows for creation of new tasks that were previously inconceivable. Must still serve the original standards and purpose? Help increase the student ownership of learning? Help assess skills processing and 21st century skills brought about by redefinition?
Google Drive and Add ons Google Doc OCR function Tools Research Sharing Google Forms Create simple form Google Sheets (Add ons) Frubaloo Map
Searching Get more out of Google http://www.illawarrapcug.org.au/Tricks/Get%20More%20Out%20Of%20Google.pdf Duckduckgo https://duckduckgo.com/ Instagrok http://www.instagrok.com/ Visuwords http://visuwords.com/
Other resources Google Treks https://www.google.com/maps/about/behind-the-scenes/streetview/treks/mont-blanc/ Cultural Institute Google https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/home
Images Photos for Class Sited and safe to use. http://www.photosforclass.com/ Pixabay Free to use https://pixabay.com/ Creative Commons Image Search Free Creative Commons https://search.creativecommons.org/
Language and writing Phrase finder Dictionary http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/index.html Dictionary http://dictionary.reference.com/ One Look Dictionary and Reverse http://www.onelook.com/ Graphic organisers http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2012/06/teachers-guide-on-use-ofgraphic. html
Tools Padlet Socrative Kahoot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91j0V3fhniw Socrative Examples of quizes https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dtoP6ivVNJtqTw0d6OSKLEq5WlZZ7ak9onjU1kph0Co/edit#gid=20451944 Kahoot http://www.getkahoot.com
More Tools Rubrics Blogging http://business.fullerton.edu/centers/CollegeAssessmentCenter/RubricDirectory/other_rubrics.htm Blogging http://www.slideshare.net/frankcalberg/11-advantages-of-using-a-blog-for-teaching
YouTube Livebinder http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=172921 Close captioning capture Cartoon Maker http://www.education.vic.gov.au/languagesonline/games/cartoon/
Social media YouTube Twitter Diigo social bookmarking
The skills which will be developed in particular will be: accessing information efficiently - through search operators critically evaluating information and its sources - through interrogation of websites classifying, storing, manipulating and redrafting information needed - through curation tools like Diigo, Pinterest, Blendspace, etc. accessing and using information legally and ethically - through copyright, creative commons, Google image search