Welcome to Mrs. Hartzell’s Classroom
It’s nice to meet you! My name is Kami Hartzell I went to elementary and high school in Plattsburg I graduated from Missouri Western State University This is my 2nd year at Lathrop, I previously taught high school science in Osborn for ½ year. I enjoy reading and gardening I’m excited to get to know you this year!
Let me introduce you to my family This is my oldest daughter, Taylor. She is a freshman. This is my husband, Justin. This is my youngest daughter, Tori. She is in the 7th grade.
My Goals To introduce you to a new learning experience. To help prepare you to be successful in school and in life. To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment.
Classroom Expectations Be RESPECTFUL Be RESPONSIBLE What this looks like… Speak one at a time Sharpen pencils when teacher isn’t speaking Keep room and supplies neat Bring all homework and supplies with you to class everyday.
Science We will work on… Scientific Inquiry Properties and Changes in Matter Ecology Geology/Earth Systems Meteorology Science Fair
Some things we will work on… Voicethreads Mixbook Online quizzes & tests Study Island Gaggle
Daily Supplies Bring these items with you every day A PENCIL and grading pen Agenda Textbook Outside reading book (for all classes)
IANs In Science this year we will be using Interactive Notebooks (IANs). The IANs will be used daily and will act as a study guide and a portfolio of student work. IANs will stay in the class on a daily basis and will go home as needed. Binders may be purchased from the teacher for $2.00 or brought from home.
Lab Guidelines Three before me – if your not sure of something, ask 3 other people before me Stay on task Keep voices at a low level Stay with your team unless otherwise directed
Teams In groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Data Recorder – records all information for the group Equipment Manager – gathers & returns materials, manages supplies Project Supervisor – reads directions Productivity Officer – keeps everyone on task
What you can expect There will be assigned seats All homework is due at the beginning of class. There will be bell work daily When possible time will be given to work on homework Students will be working in cooperative groups frequently Review games or study guides will be given prior to tests
Grading Grades are based on total points possible 9 out of 10 is 90%, 90 out of 100 is 90% Notebook checks Random grades for bellwork Quizes Homework assignments Science Fair Partial credit for corrections on some assignments Grading Scale: A =100% – 95% C+=79% - 77% A-=94% - 90% C=76% - 73% B+=89% - 87% C-=72% - 70% B=86% - 83% D+=69% - 67% B-=82% - 80% D= 66% - 63% D-=62% - 60% F= 59% and below
Things to know Incomplete work = Zap All Zapped work is 20% off of points possible Homework needs to be written in your agenda daily. You may bring a HEALTHY snack and water to drink at the beginning of 3rd & 8th hours. Using the phone needs to be limited to emergencies only.
More things to know PUSH IN YOUR CHAIR!!!!!!! Hall Passes – sign out/in by door Lunch Money – take to office before school Paper Headings (Name, date, class, assignment) Entering Classroom Pick up IAN from back of room (green or blue bin) Go to seat immediately start on bellwork Exiting Classroom Write assignment/task in Agenda Put IAN neatly in bin Make sure area is clean (no trash or supplies on desk or floor) PUSH IN YOUR CHAIR!!!!!!!
Good Advice Keep large amounts of money or valuables at home. Turn OFF or MUTE cell phones. Any seen/heard will be confiscated. Ignore the chair lift!
Tutoring Available Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:55 to 4:30 Bring work with you May only leave early if contacted by a parent You may bring snacks and drinks
Family We are together several hours a day It will be much easier for everyone this year if we can treat each other with kindness Remember the GOLDEN RULE!
Let’s Have A Great Year!! Please feel free to… Ask any questions you may have Check out my webpage www.mrshartzell.pbworks.com